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or nature, or other consideration provided by the service user in exchange for the <br />telecommunication services. <br />(b) "Mobile telecommunications service" shall be sourced in accordance with the <br />sourcing rules set forth in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4 U.S.C. <br />Section 124). The tax administrator may issue and disseminate to telecommunication <br />service suppliers, which are subject to the tax collection requirements of this article, <br />sourcing rules for the taxation of other telecommunication services, including but not <br />limited to post -paid telecommunication services, prepaid telecommunication <br />services, VolP, and private communication services, provided that such rules are <br />based upon custom and common practice that further administrative efficiency and <br />minimize multi jurisdictional taxation (e.g., Streamlined Sales and Use Tax <br />Agreement). <br />(c) The tax administrator may issue and disseminate to telecommunication service <br />suppliers, which are subject to the tax collection requirements of this article, an <br />administrative ruling identifying those telecommunication services, or charges <br />therefore, that are subject to or not subject to the tax of subsection (a) above. <br />(d) To prevent actual multi jurisdictional taxation of telecommunication services subject <br />to tax under this Section, any service user, upon proof to the tax administrator that <br />the service user has previously paid the same tax in another state or city on such <br />telecommunication services, shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed to the <br />extent of the amount of such tax legally imposed in such other state or city; provided, <br />however, the amount of credit shall not exceed the tax owed to the city under this <br />Section. <br />(e) The tax on telecommunication services imposed by this Section shall be collected <br />from the service user by the service supplier. The amount of tax collected in one <br />month shall be remitted to the tax administrator, and must be received by the tax <br />administrator on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the following month. <br />SECTION 5: Section 35 -155.1 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby added such <br />that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 35- 155.1. Bundling Taxable Items. <br />If any nontaxable charges are combined with and not separately stated from taxable <br />service charges on the customer bill or invoice of a service supplier, the combined charge is <br />subject to tax unless the service supplier identifies, by reasonable and verifiable standards, <br />the portions of the combined charge that are nontaxable and taxable through the service <br />supplier's books and records kept in the regular course of business, and in accordance with <br />generally accepted accounting principles, and not created and maintained for tax purposes. <br />If the service supplier offers a combination of taxable and non - taxable services, and the <br />charges are separately stated, then for taxation purposes, the values assigned the taxable <br />and non - taxable services shall be based on its books and records kept in the regular course <br />of business and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and not <br />created and maintained for tax purposes. The service supplier has the burden of proving <br />the proper valuation and apportionment of taxable and non - taxable charges. <br />Resolution No. 2014 -XXX <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />50A -24 <br />