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ATTACHMENT <br />APPROVED EQUIPMENT <br />The purpose of this specification is to assure that all maintenance equipment used in the agreement is <br />appropriate for the performance of the work specified, is well maintained and in safe condition for the <br />operators. The Director has the authority direct the Contractor to remove a piece of equipment deemed <br />unsafe, not in top mechanical condition, performing unsatisfactorily or for any reason deemed necessary. <br />All equipment shall be maintained, at the least, to the manufacturer's requirements or specifications. <br />The Contractor shall possess and maintain the following equipment, or approved equals, for the duration of the <br />agreement. The Contractor shall also show that they have back -up equipment or can acquire back -up <br />equipment within 12 hours from the time a piece of equipment fails due to breaks down and /or is directed to <br />be removed due to it being unsafe and /or is performing unsatisfactorily: <br />Mowers <br />1. Fairway Reel Mower — John Deere 7500E -Cut Hybrid Fairway Mower with 11 blade reels and baskets <br />to catch clippings. Contractor must also have verticut reels for thatch control. <br />2. 72" & 60" Rotary Mower — Exmark Lazer Z DS- Series diesel rotary mower with rear discharge. <br />3. Walk- behind Reel Mower — Jacobsen Eclipse 2122F greens mower for ball diamond turf and pitches. <br />Turf Sweeper— Toro Rake -O -Vac sweeper 4.75 cubic yard capacity. <br />Aerator — AerWay 3 -Point Hitch 75" wide Aerator using Shattertine blades. The aerator shall have all blades <br />intact and not be any less than 6" in length in order to achieve 6" penetration into the soil. <br />Top Dress Turf Tender — Turfco Mete- R- Matic® XL 60.75 cubic foot Topdresser. <br />Turf Slit Seeder — Land Pride OS 1572 Solid Stand Overseeder. <br />Boom Sprayer — John Deere HD200 SelectSpray three -way folding 15/21ft. spray boom fitted on John Deere <br />24 HP ProGator utility vehicle. <br />Districts 1 and 3 Park Landscape RFP <br />Page 54 <br />