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ATTACHMENT <br />ANNUAL COLOR PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATION <br />Before each annual planting the area should be tilled 8 to 16 inches deep. Organic matter in the form of <br />nitrified redwood must be incorporated to a depth of 8" of the top soil. The contract administrator may adjust <br />this if adequate organic matter is already present in the soil but the successful bidder must be prepared to <br />incorporate this organic matter at every color rotation. Organic matter must comprise 25% of the soil volume <br />where the roots will be. This requires 2" of nitrified redwood tilled to an 8" depth. Apply 1.5 pounds of nitrogen <br />per 1000 sq. ft. as a complete low nitrogen material with a ratio of 1:2:1, 1:1:1, 1:2:2 or similar. Do not use a <br />higher rate of nitrogen as this may result in excessive vegetative growth and a suppression of flowering. After <br />establishment, fertilize as necessary to maintain a robust appearance and maximum flowering. After <br />incorporating organic material and other supplements, the beds must be raked smooth and slightly mounded. <br />Sticks clods and other material must be removed from the bed. <br />During planting gently crush the root mass with the fingers to stimulate root growth in the surrounding soil. <br />Begin planting in the center of the bed and keep traffic in the worked soil to a minimum. Make the hole slightly <br />larger than the root ball and set the plant at the same depth or slightly higher than it was growing in the <br />container. Smooth out the soil around the plants after planting, including footprints. Water plants to a depth of <br />5 inches immediately after planting for 4" plant material (deeper for larger pots). <br />Plants are to be rotated four times a year and are to be kept disease free and healthy on a consistent basis. <br />There must be no dead or missing plants at any time and the beds must be kept in a weed free condition. <br />Plants will be in 4" pots and will be planted in an 8" triangular spacing pattern. Rows must be in a straight <br />alignment at the time of planting. Plant species that may be planted at different times of the year may include, <br />but not be limited, to the following annual bedding plants as approved by the Director: <br />f Spring /Summer —April through October 1 <br />Alyssum, Lobelia, Salvia, Marigold, Gloriosa daisy, Penstemon, Cosmos, Dahlia, Impatiens, Begonias, <br />Double Impatiens, Petunia, Verbena, Vinca rosea (periwinkle) Zinnias <br />• Fall/Winter <br />Iceland poppies, Pansies, Viola, Stock, Snapdragons, Primroses, Ranunculus <br />Vandalism <br />Contractor shall check annual color beds daily (Monday through Friday). If plants are missing or <br />vandalized, the Contractor shall provide the City's representative with a proposal to replace <br />missing /damaged plants. After the City's Representative signs the proposal, the Contractor shall then <br />replant/replace missing /damaged plants within 48 hours. <br />The City's contract administrator shall be the sole judge of whether the above specifications are met. <br />The contract administrator shall also approve the types and combinations of color bedding plants prior <br />to installation. <br />Districts 1 and 3 Park Landscape RFP <br />Page 40 <br />