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may be used for PLC pruning on palms or other trees only when needed for proper safety reasons. <br />1.08 PALM PRUNING SPECIFICATIONS <br />Palm pruning shall include, but not be limited to, the pruning of the following palms (Syagrus <br />romanzoffianum (queen palm), Archontophoenix cunninghamiana (king palm), Phoenix Canariensis <br />(Canary Island date palm), Phoenix Dactylifera (date palm), Washingtonia filifera (California fan palm); <br />and Washingtonia Robusta (Mexican fan palm) per these specifications. <br />a. The removal of all dead fronds and other dead plant parts from the trunk. All loose frond sheaths <br />shall be removed along the entire length of the palm trunk. <br />b. The removal of all flowers and fruit parts whether dead or alive. <br />c. The use of climbing spurs or spike shoes in the act of pruning trees is prohibited, excepting palms <br />that are more than sixty -five (65) feet in height. <br />d. Canary Island date palm (Phoenix Canariensis) trunks shall be cleaned of any weed species. The <br />immediate area below the green fronds shall be trimmed to a symmetrical (pineapple) appearance. <br />The shape shall not exceed a minimum of forty -eight (48) inches or a maximum of sixty- (60) inches <br />length below the green fronds. The trunk when pruning operations are complete shall be left in a <br />clean, unscathed appearance throughout the entire length of the palm trunk. Canary Island date <br />palms shall be pruned using a sterilized handsaw. The handsaw must be cleaned and sterilized <br />before and after pruning each tree. <br />e. All volunteer palm seedlings must be removed that are growing within the streets, parkways, or <br />setback dedicated areas. <br />1.09 UNACCEPTABLE PRUNING <br />The following procedures, or others that will result in tree decline, are not allowed (storm damage and <br />other extenuating circumstances exempted): <br />a. Severe cutting back of all growing tips usually referred to as topping, pollarding, or hat racking. <br />b. Flush cutting where a cut is made even with the surface of the trunk or limb, removing the branch <br />collar and branch bark ridge. <br />c. Stub cutting where branch removal results in the base of branch removed protruding more than <br />approximately one fourth (1/4) inch beyond the zone of branch collar and branch bark ridge. <br />d. Removal of a healthy main leader, for reasons other than power line clearance. <br />e. Excessive cutting or lifting that exceeds the International Society of Arboriculture or SAPRF <br />standards. <br />1.10 DAMAGE TO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY <br />Should any structure or property be damaged during the tree pruning operations, the persons <br />conducting the work shall immediately notify the proper owners and an authorized SAPRF <br />representative. Repairs to property damaged by the responsible party shall be made within forty -eight <br />(48) hours, except utility lines, which shall be repaired the same working day. Repairs on private <br />property shall be made in accordance with the appropriate building code under permits issued by the <br />City of Santa Ana. Any damage caused by the Contractors employees shall be repaired or restored by <br />them at their expense to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury, or <br />they shall repair such damage in a manner acceptable to the City of Santa Ana and /or SAPRF. Special <br />Districts 1 and 3 Park Landscape RFP <br />Page 45 <br />