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partner agencies. The scenarios used in HSGP- funded exercises must focus on <br />validating existing capabilities, must comply with and be large enough in scope <br />and size to exercise multiple activities and warrant involvement from multiple <br />jurisdictions and disciplines and non- governmental organizations, and take into <br />account the needs and requirements for individuals with disabilities. <br />MMRS Exercises. The scenarios used in MMRS exercises should focus on incidents <br />that would be catastrophic to the grant implementer's community and /or have national <br />impact caused by any hazard. Grantees are encouraged to use scenarios with a focus <br />on medical issues related to preparedness and response. Scenarios should test <br />appropriate Target Capabilities that support the MMRS mission. <br />Citizen participation in exercises is strongly encouraged and should be coordinated with <br />the local Medical Reserve Corps and Citizen Corps Council Volunteer roles and <br />responsibilities include, but are not limited to, backfilling non- professional tasks for first <br />responders deployed on exercise planning and implementation, providing simulated <br />victims, media, and members of the public, supporting surge capacity functions, and <br />participating in the after - action review. <br />MMRS jurisdictions, in coordination with regional, Urban Area, and State exercises, and <br />public health officials (e.g., EMS), are expected to schedule, design, conduct, and <br />evaluate mass casualty exercises that are in compliance with both FEMA and CDC <br />Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement Exercise requirements <br />and guidance. <br />CCP Exercises. Exercises specifically designed for or that include participation from <br />non - governmental entities and the general public are allowable activities and may <br />include testing public warning systems, evacuation /shelter in -place capabilities, <br />family /school /business preparedness, and participating in table -top or full scale <br />emergency responder exercises at the local, State, Tribal, territorial, or national level, to <br />include the National Level Exercises (formally known as Top Officials Exercise <br />[TOPOFF]). <br />Allowable Exercise Costs <br />Allowable exercise - related costs include: <br />Funds Used to Design, Develop, Conduct, and Evaluate an Exercise. Includes <br />costs related to planning, meeting space and other meeting costs, facilitation <br />costs, materials and supplies, travel, and documentation. Grantees are <br />encouraged to use government facilities to conduct meetings and conferences <br />whenever possible. <br />Hiring of Full or Part -Time Staff or Contractors /Consultants. Full or part -time staff <br />may be hired to support exercise - related activities. Such costs must be included <br />within the funding allowed for program management personnel expenses, which <br />must not exceed 15 percent (15 %) of the total allocation. The applicant's formal <br />written procurement policy or the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) — <br />78 <br />