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The <br />anties <br />active and <br />repair or replacement costs,,Upgrauls, ai iu uaci icon a�� ... - <br />future grant awards, unless otherwise noted. Grantees are reminded to be sensitive to <br />supplanting issues. Maintenance contracts and warranties, repair and replacement <br />costs, upgrades, and /or user fees forequipment that was not originally purchased with <br />Preparedness grant funding (or provided by DHS components listed in 113 336) may not <br />be subsequently paid for with preparedness grant funding: Please refer to GPD's IBs <br />336 and 348, located at htt / /www fema goy4 Government /granbbulletinsfindex.shtm. <br />Routine upkeep (e.g. , gasoline, tire replacement, routine oil changes, monthly <br />inspections, grounds, and facility maintenance, etc.) is the responsibility of the grantee <br />and may not be funded with preparedness grant funding. <br />Maintenance Contracts and Warranties. To increase the useful life of the <br />equipment, maintenance contracts and warranties may be purchased using grant <br />funding from one fiscal year to cover equipment purchased with funding from a <br />different fiscal year. The use of grant funding for the purchase of maintenance <br />contracts and warranties must meet the following conditions: <br />- Maintenance contracts and warranties may only be purchased for <br />equipment that has been purchased using FEMA preparedness grant <br />funding <br />- To avoid supplementing congressional appropriations for specific <br />programs, maintenance contracts and warranties must be purchased <br />using funds from the same grant program used to purchase the original <br />equipment <br />- The term of the maintenance contract or warranty shall not exceed the <br />period of performance of the grant to which the contract is being charged <br />- Equipment provided to States and local jurisdictions by the Commercial <br />Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) is also eligible for support <br />through maintenance contracts and warranties since CEDAP is a one -time <br />equipment grant program and not a recurring grant (SHSP and UASI <br />programs only) <br />- Equipment and support provided directly to States and local jurisdictions <br />by any DHS component is also eligible for support through maintenance <br />contracts or warranties once funding for those programs has ended. This <br />includes the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office's (DNDO) limited duration <br />45 <br />