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standards. Additionally, the project will be consistent with purpose <br />of the General Plan Land Use Element and Housing Element, as it <br />will further the goals and policies of the plan and not obstruct their <br />attainment. Specifically, it will further the Land Use Element Goal <br />3, preserve and improve the character and integrity of existing <br />neighborhood; Policy 3.1, support development which provides a <br />positive contribution to neighborhood character and identity; Policy <br />3.5, encourage new development and /or additions to existing <br />development that is compatible in scale, and consistent with the <br />architectural style and character of the neighborhood and Policy <br />5.5, encourage development which is compatible with, and <br />supportive of surrounding land uses. Additionally, it will further the <br />Housing Element, Goal 2, to provide a diversity of quality housing, <br />affordability levels, and living experiences that accommodate Santa <br />Ana's residents and workforce of all household types, income <br />levels, and age groups to foster an inclusive community; and Policy <br />2.3, Rental Housing, to encourage the construction of rental <br />housing for Santa Ana's residents and workforce, including a <br />commitment to very low, low, and moderate income residents and <br />moderate income Santa Ana workers. <br />C. The deviation is necessary to make it economically feasible for the <br />applicant to utilize a density bonus authorized for the development <br />pursuant to section 41 -1604 <br />The deviations of the development standards requested are <br />necessary to make the project economically feasible. The <br />deviations requested are to increase the allowable density of the <br />project from the densities specified in the LR General Plan land use <br />designation and in the R -3 zoning district, as well as to reduce the <br />amount of required onsite parking. Deviations from these <br />standards will allow the developer to make substantial <br />improvements to the site's exterior, make necessary repairs and <br />upgrades to the units, to reconstruct the units to provide a mixture <br />of bedroom types, and to rehabilitate an existing courtyard that <br />serves as a vital open space amenity -to the dwelling and another <br />with which the building shares immediately to the south. <br />Section 3. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the <br />proposed project is categorically exempt from CEQA review per Section 15301, Class 1. <br />The Class 1 exemption allows repair, maintenance, and minor alterations to existing <br />private structures where there is no expansion of use. A Notice of Exemption for <br />Environmental Review No. 2014 -9 will be filed for this project. <br />Resolution No. 2014 -07 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />