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District2. <br />Angels Community Park. <br />Just the one building, next to the apartments? <br />Yes <br />Cabrillo Park. <br />Just the main building in front the baseball fields 3rd base? <br />Yes <br />Fisher Park <br />Cabin and restrooms 1.5 hours <br />Yes <br />Logan Park <br />Just the main building or does it also include the handball courts? <br />ExhibitA -A1 & A2 restrooms /center -no handball courts <br />Portola Park. <br />Just the two buildings? One off Portola Ave. and the one behind the baseball fields. <br />Just the restroom bldg -not the small rec bldg by the basketball courts. <br />District 3 <br />Delhi Park <br />Just the restrooms off Halladay St.? <br />Yes <br />Madison Park. <br />Just the building between the four square play area and the baseball field? <br />Yes <br />Memorial Park <br />Is it just the restroom buildings (I believe there are 3)? There are multiple buildings around this park, <br />restrooms, storage shed, community building, outdoor theatre. <br />The center area as part of Exhibit Al and ExhibitA for the park restrooms —LL concession stand and <br />band shelter not included. <br />Sandepointe <br />Just the two buildings at the intersection of Orion ands Birch? <br />Yes <br />District 4 <br />Adams Park <br />Should the electrical room be included as well as the restrooms? <br />No just the restrooms <br />Centennial Park <br />At Centennial, just the six restroom /concession buildings. Which would include the two buildings at the <br />soccer stadium and the building at the large courts <br />Park restrooms and the restrooms /locker room in the Dan Young Soccer Complex <br />Heritage Park <br />Just the building between the parking lot and the baseball fields? Not the shade /gazebo structure? <br />. . . <br />