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shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. Both parties further <br />agree that Orange Cbrntty, California, shall be the venue for any action or proceeding that may be <br />brought or arise out of, in connection with or by reason of this Agreement. <br />16. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES <br />Contractor shall, throughout the term of this Agreement, maintain all necessary hcenses, <br />permits, approvals, waivers, and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services hereunder <br />and requirod by the laws and regulations of the United States, the State of California, the City of <br />Santa Ana and all other govermnental agencies. Contractor shall notify the City immediately and <br />in writing of his inability to obtain or maintain such permits, licenses, approvals, waivers, and <br />exemptions. Said inability shall be cause for termination of this Agreement. <br />17, COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENTAL REQUIREMENTS <br />Contractor shall carry out all services pursuant to this Agreement in substantial <br />conformity with all applicable laws, ordinances, statutes, codes, rules, regulations, orders, and <br />decrees of the United States, the State of California, the County of Orange, the City, and of any <br />other political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality exercisingjurisdietion over the City, <br />including all applicable federal, state, and local occupation, safety and health laws, Hiles, <br />regulations and standards, applicable state and labor standards, prevailing wage requirements, the <br />City zoning and development standards, City pennits and approvals, building, plumbing, <br />mechanical and electrical codes, as they rnay apply, and all other provisions of the City and its <br />Municipal Code (as they may apply), and all applicable disabled and handicapped access <br />requirements, including, without the lmltation, the Americans With Disability Act, 42 U.S.C. § <br />12'1 D I et seq., Government Code § 4450 et seq., and the Unruh Civil Rights Act, Civil Code § 51 <br />et sect'. <br />18, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />a. Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signature hereinbelow has the power, <br />authority and right to'bind their respective parties to each of the terms of this Agreement, and shall <br />indemnify City 'fully, including reasonable costs and attorney's fees, for any injuries or damages to <br />City in the event that such authority or power is not, in laet held by the signatory or is withdrawn, <br />b. All Exhibits referenced herein and attached hereto snail be incorporated as if fully set <br />forth in the body of this Agreement. <br />25A -90 <br />