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Tne <br />Hanover <br />Insurance Group.. <br />OBCA399956 1309570 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />GENERAL LIABILITY SUPPLEMENTARY ENDORSEMENT <br />This endorsement modifies Insurance provided under the following; <br />BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM <br />1. Additional Insured by Contract, Agreement or Permit <br />Under SECTION II - LIABILITY, C. Who Is An Insured, <br />Paragraph 4.. is added as follows: <br />a. Any person or organization for whom you are <br />performing operations when you and such person <br />or organization have agreed in writing In a <br />contract, agreement or permit that such person or <br />organization be added as an additional insured on <br />your policy. Such person or organization is an <br />additional Insured only with respect to liability for <br />"bodily injury ", "property damage" or "personal <br />and advertising Injury" caused, in whole or In part, <br />by: <br />(1) Your acts or omissions; or <br />(2) The acts or omissions of those acting on your <br />behalf, <br />but only with respect to: <br />(3) Your work" for the additional Insured(s) at the <br />location designated in the contract, <br />agreement or permit; or <br />(4) Premises you own, rent, lease, control or <br />occupy. <br />This Insurance applies on a primary basis if that is <br />required by the written contract, agreement or <br />permit. <br />b. This provision does not apply: <br />(1) Unless the written contract or written <br />agreement has been executed or permit has <br />been issued prior to the "bodily Injury ", <br />"property damage" or "personal and <br />advertising injury "; <br />(2) To any person or organization included as an <br />insured by an endorsement issued by us and <br />made part of this Policy; <br />(3) To any lessor of equipment: <br />(a) After the equipment lease expires; or <br />(b) If the "bodily injury ", "property damage" <br />or "personal and advertising injury" <br />arises out of the sole negligence oii the <br />lessor; <br />(4) To any: <br />(a) Owners or other Interests from whom <br />land has been leased which takes place <br />after the lease for that landexpires; or <br />(b) Managers or lessors of premises if; <br />(1) The occurrence takes place after you <br />cease to be a tenant in that premises; <br />or <br />(ii) The "bodily Injury", "property <br />damage" or "personal and <br />advertising injury" arises out of <br />structural alterations, new <br />construction or demolition operations <br />performed by or on behalf of the <br />manager or lessor; or <br />(6) To "bodily injury ", "property damage" or <br />"personal and advertising Injury" arising out <br />of the rendering of or the failure to render any <br />professional services. This includes but is not <br />limited to any professional services as an <br />architect or engineer arising out of any <br />construction agreement or activities under <br />which any insured or anyone acting on any <br />insured's behalf provides or provided service, <br />advice, . expertise or work. Construction <br />includes, but is not limited to, the plan, <br />conception, design, build, construct, assembly, <br />development, safety, erection, formation, <br />reconstruct, rehabilitation, repair, or any <br />improvement made to real property. <br />Construction also Includes the hiring, <br />supervision or management of any of these <br />activities. However, this exclusion does not <br />apply to liability arising out of an Insured's <br />presence at a jobsite that was not caused by <br />professional activities listed in the above <br />paragraph. <br />c. Additional insured coverage provided by this <br />provision will not be broader than coverage <br />provided to any otherinsured. <br />d. Ail other insuring agreements, exclusions, and <br />conditions of the policy apply. <br />II. Additional Insured by Contract, Agreement or Permit - <br />Primary and Non - contributory <br />The following is added to SECTION III - COMMON <br />POLICY CONDITIONS: <br />M. Other insurance <br />1. Additional Insureds <br />If you agree in a written contract, written <br />agreement or permit that the insurance <br />provided to any person or organization <br />included as an Additional Insured under <br />SECTION 11 - LIABILITY, Part C - Who is An <br />Insured, is primary and non- contributory, the <br />following applies: <br />If other valid and collectible Insurance is <br />available to the Additional Insured for a loss <br />we cover under SECTION II - LIABILITY, Part <br />A. Coverages, Paragraph 1., Business Liability <br />our obligations are limited as follows: <br />a. Primary Insurance <br />This insurance is primary to other <br />insurance that is available to the <br />Additional Insured which covers the <br />Additional Insured as a Named Insured. <br />391.1586 0211 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Offices, Inc.. with its permission Page 1 of 2 <br />