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e. my Circumstance m Claim, which prior tothe effcctive date of this Policy was the subject of any notice under any prim <br />insurance policy; or <br />f. the performance ofurfailure to perform Professional Sccvixom for: <br />(A any Insured; or <br />(ii) any entity owned eo controlled by any person mo entity included within the definition mF Insured; n, <br />(iii) any person or entity which owns or controls any entity included within the definition uf Insured; or <br />(iv) any entity which is Linder cw.nmon ownership or control with any entity included within the definition of Insured; or <br />h1 any entity of which any person included within the definition of Insured is a director, officer, partner, member or more <br />than uthree percent (3%) shareholder; or <br />g. any actual or alleged Bodily Injury or Property Damage; 6owevcr, this Exclusion shall not apply tw mental anguish or <br />emotional distress ino Claim for Personal Injury; cr <br />h. any actual wr alleged failure 10 effcu1ur maintain any insurance or bond; or <br />i. any actual or alleged activity by any Insured in a fiduciary capacity as respects any ernployce benefit or pension plan under <br />the Employee Retirement Income Seouziy/AcLofl974(EKJ8&)oroayunoondmootothcreofnroiouilurumto.(eWezaloriocul <br />statutory laws or common law; ur <br />j. any uorua] or alleged violation of any securities, vm1iuuoi, restraint of trade, ooCair trade pruobcem, consumer protection, or <br />other similar law by any person, including but not limited to any Insured; or <br />k any actual. malleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, release mescape of smoke, vapors, soot, furnes,n6ds, alkalis, toxic <br />ckemiou]o, lead, hgoWo or gases, waste nuuteruJa` or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants into or upon land, the <br />atmosphere or any water course or body of water, whether vr not uuch actual, alleged orthreatened discharge, dispersal, <br />olcuae or oxompe is sudden, accidental or gradual in nature, or any cost or oxpoomu arising out of any zcAaesL, dcoouod` or <br />order that an Insured or others test for, monitor, clean Lip, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize any Pollutants; or <br />l any actual malleged reffisal to employ, termination of employment, o/ employment-related coercion, dernotion,evaluation, <br />zumaoigooueot, discipline, defamation, bmmusuou, humiliation, or discrimination of employment, or ndb,z <br />employment-related practices, policies, acts oz omissions; ur <br />m. any actual or alleged infringement of any copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, trade dress or service mark; or wrongful <br />appropriation, use, or disclosure of trade secrets by any person, including but not linLited to any Insured; or <br />o. any actual or alleged failure of any Insured's products or services to prevent unauthorized access to or use of any electronic <br />system or program unless such unauthorized access oruse is the result w[a malfunction o[u product or service provided hy <br />an Insured which is specifically intended to prevent such unauthorized access or use; or <br />o, any actual or alleged failure of any luaarud tm honor auImmumcd'mcost guarantee or cost estimates for Professional Services <br />rendered vrm6u rendered; nr <br />p. any actual or alleged rendering or failure to render investment Or insurance counselbn,-,madvice�the PLIT-Chascm selling of, <br />or failure to purchase or aul| an investment or iuuuzunoc of any kind; or any %nmmr*d'o advice, proodme(s) or guamomeo(s) <br />regarding the finzrc value of any iovcaboco$ or interest rate or cahc of return; or any Inouvud,m advice, promise(a) or <br />guuruoLcu(e)rcgardiug the coverage provided ur not provided hy insurance of any kind. <br />7. LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND DEDUCTIBLE <br />Regardless of thenumher of Insureds under this Policy, Claims brought on account of Wrongful Am4s)m otherwise, the <br />Insurer's liability ixlioim6usfollows: <br />RTPXQl()9/ll) Page 5oClO <br />Insured <br />