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b. shall have the right to purchase, by paying the additional premium set forth in Item 8, of the Declarations for this Policy, an <br />Extended Reporting Period to report any Claim first made against an Insured after the effective date of such expiration, <br />cancellation or nonrenewal, <br />The Automatic Extended Reporting Period and/or the Extended Reporting Period shall only apply to a Wrongful Act committed <br />before the date of the Policy expiration, cancellation or nonrenewal. <br />For the purpose of this Section, any change in premium or terms on renewal shall not constitute a refusal to renew. <br />The Named Insured must notify the Insurer in writing and must pay the additional premium due no later than sixty (60) days <br />after the effective date of such expiration, cancellation or nonrenewal. The Extended Reporting Period begins on the expiration <br />date or the effective date of cancellation or nonrenewal of the Policy, The Extended Reporting Period will run concurrently with <br />the Automatic Extended Reporting Period, <br />All premiums paid with respect to the Extended Reporting Period shall be deemed fully earned as of the first day of the Extended <br />Reporting Period. <br />The extension of coverage granted hereunder shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Policy and shall only apply to <br />Professional Services rendered before such Policy expiration, cancellation or nomenewal. <br />11. ACQUISITION OR CREATION OF ANOTHER ENTITY <br />If, after the beginning of the Policy Period, the Named Insured: <br />a. acquires substantially all of the assets of another entity; or <br />b. acquires voting securities in another entity or creates another entity, which as a result of such acquisition or creation becorries <br />a Subsidiary; or <br />c. acquires another entity by merger such that the Named Insured is the surviving entity; <br />then the coverage provided under this Policy shall apply to such new creation or acquisition; but only with respect to Wrongful <br />Acts occurring or allegedly occurring after the acquisition, merger or creation. As a condition for any coverage Linder this Section <br />I I ., if the current year annual gross receipts of the new entity created or acquired under Paragraphs a., b. or c., above, exceed <br />fifteen percent (15%) of the current year annual gross receipts of the Named Insured as reflected in the niost recent Application <br />on file with the Insurer, then coverage for such newly created or acquired entity will cease ninety (90) days after the effective date <br />of such creation or acquisition unless, within such ninety (90) day period: <br />(i) the Named Insured provides the Insurer with written notice of such creation or acquisition; and <br />(ii) the Named Insured provides the Insurer with such information in connection therewith as the Insurer may deem necessary-, <br />and <br />(iii) the Narned Insured accepts any special terms, conditions, exclusions, or additional premium charge as may be required by <br />the Insurer; and <br />(iv;) the Insurer, in its sole discretion, agrees by written endorsement to provide Such coverage. <br />The Named Insured is not required to provide written notice to the Insurer under this Section if. 1, the current year annual gross <br />receipts of the newly created or acquired entity do not exceed Fifteen percent (15%) of the current year annual gross receipts of <br />the Named Insured as reflected in the most recent Application on file with the Insurer; or 2. the creation or acquisition occurs <br />Tess than ninety (90) days prior to the end ofthe Policy Period, <br />HOD ES LACEY & ASSOCIATES, L.LT A-2014-037 REVIEVVED BY: EUMCE l-IEREDA (PG 16 OF 24) <br />RTP 101 (09/11) Page 8 of 10 <br />Insured <br />