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from you as she acknowledges that you filed the original card with her, Ms. Ramirez denies, <br /> however, suggesting to you that"someone" removed the card from her city files. <br /> Upon looking into this matter I learned that once Ms. Ramirez accepts speaker cards she hands them <br /> to the Chairperson of the Commission and the Chairperson leaves the cards at the dais. The dais is <br /> not accessible to the general public. At the conclusion of the meeting, Ms. Ramirez retrieves the <br /> cards and puts them in the file. You suggest that a particular person, Ryan Ogulnick, removed the <br /> card from the City's file, but our review of the matter revealed that Mr. Ogulnick did not have access <br /> to the speaker cards or the file at anytime. If you have information that differs, please let me know. <br /> You also suggest that Mr. Ogulnick has lavished gifts and unreported benefits in the hundreds of <br /> thousands of dollars upon members of the Santa Ana City Council. These are serious allegations and <br /> will Immediately be reviewed and investigated should you produce the public records or other <br /> documentation which you state support the allegations. You should also be aware that the <br /> California Fair Political Practices Commission will investigate such matters when a complaint, <br /> together with facts, are presented to it. You can find information about the complaint process at <br /> www, gov. <br /> As the City Attorney I would not tolerate the silencing of a speaker at a public meeting, nor would I <br /> stand by idly if I suspected that a member of the public stole a public document, In your case you <br /> were provided an opportunity to speak and I would encourage you to continue to review city <br /> agendas posted on the City's website for future meetings concerning the project that you oppose. <br /> As for the allegation about unreported gifts, your letter does not contain any basis for me to review <br /> this matter further. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Sonia Carvalho I' <br /> kr <br /> is <br /> si <br /> i.5 <br /> i%I <br />