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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Phase 1118 — Washington Avenue to 17f' Street <br />1.4.3 Changes as Compared to the Approved Project <br />It should be noted that Project phasing has been revised from the original three phases identified in the <br />1990 FEIS /EIR. Construction phasing of the entire Project segment has been further subdivided as <br />follows: <br />• St. Andrew Place to McFadden Avenue (Constructed in 2002) <br />• Elm Street to Memory Lane (Constructed in 2003) <br />• Pine Street to 3rd Street (Constructed in 2009) <br />• Phase I: McFadden Avenue to Pine Street (Constructed in 2011)1 <br />• Phase IL• 3" Street to Civic Center Drive (Under construction to be completed in 2014) <br />• Phase IIIA: Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue <br />• Phase IIIB: Washington Avenue to 17`1' Street <br />• Phase IV: Warner Avenue to St. Andrew Place <br />a Phase V: 17`u Street to Elm Street <br />The proposed street widening design configuration for the current Phase IIIB segment (proposed Project <br />addressed herein) differs from the original configuration of the 1990 FEIS /EIR, as follows: <br />• The proposed Project eliminates the dedicated eastbound right -turn lane and proposes a shared <br />right -turn lane in its place at the intersection of Bristol Street and 176' Street. <br />• The 1990 FEIS /EIR, using decommissioned noise methodology, recommended noise barriers <br />(soundwalls) at all easterly parcel boundaries currently fronting the east side of Bristol Street <br />between Civic Center Drive and 17"' Street. However, and using current noise modeling <br />methodology (URS Corporation, 2012c), noise abatement in the form of noise barriers is not <br />required for the proposed Project. <br />• For purposes of aesthetic treatment and enhancement, the proposed Project would install an <br />approximately 8 -foot high block wall at approximately the same location where the soundwall <br />was previously recommended (as addressed in the 1990 FEIS /EIR). <br />' Phase numbers were assigned to the Bristol Street Widening Project subsequent to cancelation of the CenterLine Light Rail <br />Transit Project and associated reallocation of funding from that canceled project to the Bristol Street Widening Project. <br />ANA I11 -334 (PER- 02 -01) CITY OF SANTA ANA (11/25/2013 REV2) 132897 CM PAGE 12 <br />55C -27 <br />