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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Phase IIIB — Washington Avenue to 17" Street <br />trenching, paving, and development of ancillary structures. During construction activities, emissions from <br />heavy equipment exhaust, delivery trucks, and fugitive dust would be generated for a short duration. To <br />accurately determine the significance of air quality impacts from construction activities, construction <br />emissions are quantified and compared to the significance thresholds set by the SCAQMD. Project- <br />specific data, such as construction timelines and dimensions of the Project site, along with general <br />operating guidelines, were used as inputs to the SCAQMD's California Emissions Estimator Model <br />(CalEEMod) (version 2011.1.1) to quantify construction emissions. As shown in Table 2, emissions <br />calculated by this model were compared to the SCAQMD's regional significance thresholds to determine <br />whether project emissions would result in a significant air quality impact. <br />As shown in Table 2, emissions attributable to construction of the proposed Project were found to be <br />below the significance thresholds adopted by the SCAQMD for all the analyzed air pollutants. Because <br />emissions were found to be below the SCAQMD's significance thresholds, Project related construction <br />emissions are not considered by the SCAQMD to result in a significant air quality impact. In addition, <br />mitigation measures included in the 1990 FEIS/EIR would further reduce construction- related air quality <br />impacts. <br />TABLE 2 PROJECT RELATED CONSTRU <br />Demolition <br />voc NOx CO S02 PM10 P102.e <br />9 70 44 <1 12 3 <br />Trenching 5 41 19 <1 2 2 <br />Grading 8 60 34 <1 6 4 <br />Paving 3 16 11 <1 2 1 <br />Maximum 9 70 44 <1 12 4 <br />SCAQMD Threshold 75 100 550 150 150 55 <br />Exceeds Threshold? No No No No No No <br />Source: Air Quality Assessment Report (URS 2013a). <br />Notes: VOC = volatile organic compounds; NOx = nitrogen oxides; CO = carbon monoxide; S02 = sulfur dioxide; PMio = particulate matter less <br />than less than or equal to 10 microns in diameter; PM2,6 = particulate matter less than less than or equal to 2.5 microns in diameter. <br />An assessment of regional emissions associated with the operations phase of the proposed Project was <br />also conducted which compared emissions with and without the proposed Project. Air pollutant emissions <br />generated by roadway vehicles are quantified based on emissions rates that vary based on vehicle speed. <br />Because the proposed Project would increase the roadway capacity along Bristol Street, traffic congestion <br />would be alleviated and average vehicle speeds would increase along improved roadway segments. Table <br />3 shows the emissions that would occur with and without the proposed Project based on the average <br />vehicle speeds. As shown in Table 3, air pollutant emissions would be less under the With- Project <br />Alternative as opposed to the No Project Alternative due to the lower emission rates associated with <br />higher average vehicle speeds. The SCAQMD has established significance thresholds to determine <br />whether the operations phase of projects would result in significant impacts to regional air quality. The <br />proposed Project would result in air pollutant emissions which are below these significance thresholds <br />I 1 -334 (PER- 02 -0I) CITY OF SANTA ANA (11/25/2013 REV2) 132897 CM PAGE 23 <br />55C -38 <br />