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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Phase IIIB — Washington Avenue to 17" Street <br />MODIFIED INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST <br />I) CITY OF SANTA ANA (11/25/2013 REV2) 132997 CM PAGE 59 <br />55C -74 <br />New Impacts of Proposed <br />Previous FEIS /EIR <br />- <br />Project Changes <br />No <br />Impact <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />.Potentially <br />Significant <br />impacts . <br />Disclosed? <br />Subsequenter <br />Supplemental EIR <br />Impact <br />After <br />Impact <br />Required? <br />- <br />- <br />Mitigation <br />c) Result in a cumulatively considerable <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />net increase of any criteria pollutant for <br />which the project region is non - attainment <br />under an applicable federal or state <br />ambient air quality standard (including <br />releasing emissions which exceed <br />quantitative thresholds for ozone <br />precursors)? <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />d) Expose sensitive receptors to <br />substantial pollutant concentrations? <br />e) Create objectionable odors affecting a <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />substantial number of people? <br />4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Would the <br />project:.. <br />a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />directly or through habitat modifications, on <br />any species identified as a candidate, <br />sensitive, or special- status species in local <br />or regional plans, policies, or regulations, <br />or by the California Department of Fish <br />and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife <br />Service? <br />b) Have a substantial adverse effect on <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />any riparian habitat or other sensitive <br />natural community identified in local or <br />regional plans, policies, or regulations or <br />by the California Department of Fish and <br />Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? <br />c) Have a substantial adverse effect on <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />federally protected wetlands as defined by <br />Section 404 of the Clean Water Act <br />(including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal <br />pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, <br />filling, hydrological interruption, or other <br />means? <br />d) Interfere substantially with the <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />movement of any native resident or <br />migratory fish or wildlife species or with <br />established native resident or migratory <br />wildlife corridors, or impede the use of <br />native wildlife nursery sites? <br />e) Conflict with any local policies or <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />ordinances protecting biological resources, <br />such as a tree preservation policy or <br />ordinance? <br />I) CITY OF SANTA ANA (11/25/2013 REV2) 132997 CM PAGE 59 <br />55C -74 <br />