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• Security Bond: OCFA required a bond equal to one month's payment as an assurance of <br />payment in the event of the City's inability to make payment. Current bond value: $2,908,980 <br />earning 0.20% interest and held by Grandpoint Bank, a financial institution agreed upon by <br />both agencies. <br />• The security bond is held in a Santa Ana escrow account that provides access to the <br />funds to OCFA if the City does not make a monthly payment. As of March 2012 the <br />City's general fiord cash balance was $6.9 million. The projected cash balance at the <br />end of June 2014 is $34.8 million, roughly 5 times the value when OCFA required that <br />provision. The City has a process in place to ensure OCFA's monthly payments are <br />made. The City has not hissed or been late on any payments since the agreement <br />started. <br />• On June 11, 2014, the City Manager and staff met with the Finance and Budget <br />Committee of OCFA to present the City's improved financial outlook and requested <br />that the bond provision be eliminated. The Committee unanimously approved the <br />request and will make the recommendation to the full board at the June 26, 2014 <br />OCFA Board of Director's Meeting. Funds will be returned to the Risk Management <br />Fund. <br />• Termination of Agreement Provision: <br />o The City entered into the OCFA JPA two years into a 20 year service contract (ending <br />June 30, 2030). If the City chose to terminate the agreement the first opportuunity to <br />withdrawal would be on June 30, 2020. A two year notice is required to be submitted <br />no later than July 1, 2018 in order to exit in 2020. Thereafter the next termination <br />opportunity would be in 2030, with a notice required in 2028. <br />o Pension Liability Clause - In the event of termination or expiration of the agreement <br />with OCFA, the City is required to pay OCFA the amount of the unfu ded pension <br />liability that had accrued during the term of the Agreement. This would be payable <br />upon separation. The City would be required to pay 50% of the cost to calculate such <br />an amount would have 15 years to make the necessary payments with interest <br />assuming a rate of return assumed by OCERS as its return of investment. This <br />provision survives termination or expiration of the Agreement. <br />• An actuary study will be required in order to determine the value of the <br />unfirnded liability associated with the former Santa Ana Fire Department <br />employees. The unfunded liability may fluctuate over time based on market <br />conditions, benefit changes and disability retirements. <br />• Prior to partnering with OCFA, the City's Fire Department annual PERS <br />payment was $4.9M. <br />Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. <br />cc: Jorge Garcia <br />Robert Cortez <br />