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FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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6/27/2014 1:04:58 PM
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6/27/2014 11:13:27 AM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Standard Agreement DOT -213 City of Santa Ana <br />642572 <br />Page 27 of 29 <br />EXHIBIT D <br />B. Be consistent with Billing and Payment instructions listed in Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment <br />Provisions. <br />C. Designate through the vender with Department of Motor Vehicles, Caltrans, Division of Mass <br />Transportation, as the lien holder on the Certificate of Title and the CONTRACTOR as the <br />registered owner. <br />7. Bid Proposal Approval for Other Equipment. No award shall be made without written approval from <br />the STATE prior to purchase. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following documents for approval <br />to the STATE in advance of the proposed award: <br />A. Solicitation document detailing the specifications of the PROJECT for purchase. <br />B. At least three (3) competitive like -kind bids using the same specifications indicated in Part A <br />above. <br />C. A listing of all bids, proposals, or price quotations which includes an analysis of all bids received <br />detalling comparison information. <br />D. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Awards /Commitments Form, <br />E. An explanation of the basis for selecting the proposed vendors and for rejecting lower bids (if <br />any). In the case of a single bid, sole source, or negotiated price contract, the CONTRACTOR <br />shall include a statement certifying that the price is fair and reasonable and the justification for the <br />single -bid determination (FTA Circular C 4220.1 F "FTA Third -Party Contracting Guidelines "), <br />8. Purchase of Other Equipment After receiving written approval from the STATE, CONTRACTOR <br />shall purchase approved PROJECT equipment within three months of Agreement execution or be <br />subject to contract termination provisions described in Exhibit C Part 47. Upon receiving <br />documentation outlined in, Exhibit S. BUDGET DETAIL. AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS of this <br />Standard Agreement, and the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Actual Payment Form, the <br />STATE will reimburse the Federal Share. <br />9. Evidence of Insurance. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the STATE, before delivery of the <br />PROJECT 7eh;' le(s) to the CONTRACTOR, a certificate of insurance issued by a company licensed <br />to write such insurance In California. Evidence of insurance shall also be provided to the STATE <br />annually and prior to the expiration date of the certificate. At any time that such evidence of <br />insurance has not been provided, the STATE shall have the right immediately to take possession of <br />the PROJECT equipment and to enter the property of the CONTRACTOR for this purpose. <br />10. Equipment Ownership and Relinquishment. At all times while the PROJECT equipment is in the <br />possession or control of the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall be the registered owner and <br />STATE shall be the legal owner or lienholder. The CONTRACTOR shall not transfer ownership of the <br />PROJECT equipment at any time while this contract is in effect. As the lienholder, the STATE may <br />take possession of the PROJECT equipment, as a result of the CONTRACTOR'S non - compliance <br />with contract terms or by mutual Agreement between the STATE and the CONTRACTOR. The <br />STATE shall retain the original Certificate of Title until such time that disposition of the PROJECT <br />equipment is released by the STATE to the CONTRACTOR or other appropriate party as outlined in <br />Exhibit C of this Agreement. <br />11. Semi - Annual Milestone Reporting. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a Semi - Annual Milestone <br />Report of its use of PROJECT equipment within thirty (30) calendar days after the close of each <br />20A -32 <br />Rev. 03/2512014 <br />
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