Laserfiche WebLink
document being scanned in the batch contains exactly 5 pages, 50 characters of indexing would <br />be included. If the documents being scanned contain a variable number of pages, then the total <br />pages scanned divided by 10 would determine the allotted indexing characters included for the <br />batch. Selection of values from a drop -down list is counted as 1 character. Accuflex will keep <br />track of the index characters used and may charge a per -character surcharge for characters <br />entered over the allotment for the batch. <br />The following do not count towards the allotment of indexing characters. <br />• Document Name <br />• Folder Name creation (as necessary) <br />• The selection of Document Scan Volume <br />• The selection of other scan and image processing Settings <br />• Automated population of fields (i.e.: zone -OCR, lookup from an outside data source, etc.) <br />D. PWA Drawings Indexing. <br />PWA Drawings will be indexed using the Drawings Template containing the following fields. <br />Field <br />Data Type <br />Description <br />Drawing No <br />Char (10) <br />Drawing number assigned by PWA Central Files. This number <br />is on the drawing hangtag. E.g.: TS1-001. The second set of <br />numbers should be at least 3 digits (it should be zero -pre -filled <br />if necessary). <br />Project No <br />Char (50) <br />Project number(s), if any, that the drawing is associated with. If <br />there are multiple they will be delimited with a semicolon ("•"). <br />If there is a project number, it will appear in the hangtag and/or <br />the title block or surrounding area. It will start with a "PR" <br />prefix. E.g.: PR1440A <br />Year <br />Char (4) <br />The year of the drawing. If there is more than one date, the <br />most recent one in the signature block should be used. <br />Cabinet No <br />Char (4) <br />Cabinet number in which the hard copy drawing is / was stored <br />in. This will be found in the PlanLog or Master Plan Log <br />Access database. <br />Drawing Number Convention <br />Sequence <br />Type <br />Numbering <br />Convention <br />Description <br />of Drawings <br />Approval Years <br />I <br />1-XXX-XX <br />Street Improvements, including utilities <br />1931 thru 2005 <br />Lamfiche Enterprise Software License and <br />Professional Services Agreement Page 47 <br />