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JUNE 17 2014 VOTE ON To THE DEPOT AT SANTIAGO <br />CONDITIONS TO IMPROVE THE PROJECT <br />PAGE 2 <br />Should a vote to delay the project be unsuccessful, we at a minimum implore our representatives to <br />consider some conditions for the project that would alleviate some of the pain we see forthcoming: <br />Addition of a light at N Santiago St and Civic Center / Stafford prior to resident move -ins: With <br />the current stop sign (which is difficult to see) and no crosswalk, this is a dangerous intersection. The <br />stop sign is frequently run by speeding cars, and it is overburdened. At peak traffic periods, the traffic <br />backs up, causing ingress problems to the Lofts and access problems to the Logan neighborhood. The <br />additional congestion caused by 1,00o more cars per day from The Depot at Santiago will create a <br />severe burden on the stop sign. <br />Synchronization of that light with light at N. Santiago & Santa Ana Blvd: At peak times, the traffic <br />leaving downtown headed down Civic Center Drive is backed up in an "L" shape. The stoppage starts <br />at Santa Ana Blvd and works its way back down N Santiago St - blocking the entire street in front of <br />the proposed new project. The stoppage then turns the corner, and continues to be backed up down <br />Civic Center Dr towards Poinsettia and further. <br />If there were two lights on N. Santiago St that were unsynchronized with each other, this could <br />potentially cause even more traffic problems. However, if the lights were coordinated, they could allow <br />a flow from Civic Center, through N Santiago, and all the way onto Santa Ana Blvd. <br />Addition of crosswalks at N Santiago St and Civic Center / Stafford: About two years ago, I <br />personally witnessed a deceased older gentleman who was just killed at this corner walking home <br />from church, hit by a tow truck. And now, on a daily basis my wife's young vocal students leave our <br />loft, and I am continually concerned about their safety. At the moment, there is no crosswalk at this <br />intersection. This would ideally be rectified immediately, but we ask that at a minimum this is resolved <br />before completion of The Depot. <br />Two or more drop -off spots for Wooden Floor which do not cannibalize existing parking: As far as <br />the residents have been able to discover, there is no plan for the drop -off and pick -up of students, other <br />than the standard parking spaces. This will force parents to illegally park, block exits, or drop children <br />off in an unsafe area. However, a dedicated curb space for pick -up and drop -offs could easily resolve <br />this problem. Please make this condition mandatory. <br />Require the street sweeping closures to once again be staggered: Currently, parking in this area <br />is highly impacted each Tuesday because the limited street parking is entirely unavailable due to <br />street sweeping on nearby streets. This was not the case in prior years. Please restore staggered street <br />sweeping in the area so that the parking impact is spread over multiple days, and thereby minimized. <br />Return parking (2 -hours maximum from Sam to Spm) to the West side of Santiago St: Parking was <br />allowed on the West side of N Santiago St, but was removed for a bus stop - a bus which no longer <br />stops here. With the reestablishment of 2 -hour parking during business hours, business customers can <br />frequent our businesses for a meeting, but they will not crowd the area with all day parking. Allowing <br />parking overnight will also alleviate additional stress on the area. <br />