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2. Santa Ana is a big city with plenty of underdeveloped properties: why is it pushing luxury <br />apartments in one neighborhood and affordable housing in ours? <br />3. Does the Santa Ana Police Department support concentrating affordable housing in this <br />neighborhood? <br />4. The developer is a for - profit corporation with a $3 million sweetheart deal from the city; they <br />are not doing this out of the goodness of their large corporate "heart ". <br />2. No Traffic Impact study: this project should be halted immediately pending a traffic impact study. <br />1. Santiago street already cannot handle the commuter traffic coming down Civic Center <br />to /from the 5 fwy exits. Accidents are already common. Does the city know how many have <br />taken place each year? <br />2. The ingress /egress onto Santiago st as proposed to this project is a major liability: the City of <br />Santa Ana should expect a lawsuit pending the first major accident /fatality. <br />3. Will children be able to safely cross Santiago street at Civic Center? Right now there isn't <br />even a crosswalk. <br />3. This project will draw in the children of potentially 100s of single parent families into the neighborhood <br />— our community does not have the parks, after school programs and other infrastructure needed <br />to meaningfully engage 100s of children (500 + ?) this project will move into the neighborhood. What <br />plan does the city have in place to engage these children and prevent them from joining area <br />gangs, a problem the Logan neighborhood has long battle and only recently made headway? <br />1. The Wooden Floor dance company can hardly accommodate all the children that will live in this <br />project, nor have they stated a commitment to give children from the project priority enrollment. <br />4. No Retail Impact study <br />1. No plan as to how to make retail work in this projector our community has been presented. <br />Without one, retail will fail. <br />5. No master plan. <br />1. how does this fit into the trolly? Retail on Grand and Santa Ana? Green spaces? <br />2. Development without a master plan is urban sprawl. <br />Concessions/Demands: The following some of the things that, at a minimum, the City of Santa Ana should: <br />1. Fewer units. Not 100% affordable — mix affordable with market - priced units. 3 stories, not 4, and /or <br />1 st floor 100% retail. <br />2. Perform a traffic study: Redesign ingress /egress for safety and to reduce congestion. Study should <br />include how much parking is required for retail. <br />3. Retail study. Determine what retail the neighborhood wants, needs, and can sustain. <br />4. Masterplan: what plan does the city have to make sure our neighborhood grows and thrives? Where are <br />the parks? Open spaces? Trolley? Railway underpass? etc. <br />We are tax- paying stakeholders and are your constituents. We have invested in this community, we have <br />contributed to make Santa Ana a better place. Our interests cannot be marginalized in favor of, what at least <br />appears to be, back -room politics. Our interests should be considered. <br />Thank you for your consideration, <br />Isaac Norton <br />Secretary, SSL HOA <br />718 N Santiago St <br />