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2124 /03LS . <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING AND MINORITY OUTREACH PROGRAM <br />AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING PROGRAM <br />The City of Santa Ana is a participating jurisdiction in the federal HOME Investment <br />Partnership Program (HOME) and the Community. Development Block Grant Program <br />(CDBG). Federal law requires that all participating jurisdictions adopt affirmative <br />marketing policies that include: <br />A. Methods to inform the public about federal fair housing laws and the City's <br />affirmative marketing policy; <br />B. Requirements. and practices owners must adhere to in order to carry out this <br />policy; <br />C. Procedures owners must use to inform and solicit applications from persons in the <br />housing market area who are not likely to apply for the housing without special <br />outreach; <br />D. Records that owners and the City will keep describing the actions they have taken <br />to affirmatively market units and records to assess the results of these actions; and <br />E. A description of how the City will annually assess the success of affirmative <br />marketing actions and determine what corrective actions are needed. <br />The City's affirmative marketing procedures and requirements for rental and homebuyer <br />projects containing five or more HOME or.CDBG- assisted housing units are set forth <br />below. These procedures and requirements constitute the City's Affirmative Marketing <br />Program. These procedures and requirements do not apply to .families with Section-8 <br />tenant -based rental housing assistance or families with tenant -based rental assistance <br />provided with HOME funds. <br />A. Methods to infonrr the public about federal fair housing laws: <br />The City will display the Equal Housing logotype or slogan in housing- related <br />press releases and solicitations for owners, and on the website page for the City's <br />Housing and Neighborhood Development Division, <br />4• The City will request that the County of Orange include information on the City's <br />HOME and CDBG- assisted rental units in its countywide Affordable Housing <br />List maintained by the County. This list can be found on the internet at <br />ht!p:/h l�vtiv. oc. ca. eov/ hotisine /AffordableHotisingList.htm. The City will <br />maintain a link to this website on the website page for the City's Housing and <br />(EXHIBIT l <br />Resolution No. 2003 -031 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />