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UP 13.015 <br />4,0 MOM QF,NEIi L oo"ITIONS <br />4,1 h111t pf Content; 'l'ho pkaposar's on�slte Supervisor er (aslgnaa to be the <br />prfingry palm of contact wittt the Santa Ana Poiica Admhds'Xcu100 Manager or <br />daaigiloo, X wlq the$ when the ptopasows supervl &nr is not an -gtta' the point of <br />contact shall be the Ptaposar's Agreement Adminlstrator, Via on -site 8uparvlgor and <br />Agreomtant Adminls4'atae shall be capable of communicating the Englisla lengnaga (read <br />and undoratnad), to faoilitato it clan ttndarala itrtg Wwoan the Mica Adntnlstxattan <br />Manager, or deslgnoo. Tba Agreement Administratot, or do dgnoo, shali bo nva>lahla via <br />cell phone doting the Propnsat's normal baslnoga hoots, The Proposer shall pvovtda sit <br />emcrgancy tolepbone number that w1tX bo amswarad 24 hours a day, $65 days a year. <br />The Santa Ana Police A.dwinlstrotlon Manager or dogignaa ShQ have authvrlty to <br />cilroct the Propoaw's perPottnanca in matters routing to pollay, IhfOrmatlon and <br />ptocaduraX rautuitamonts, t ha Pollee Adt ziniat adan NSanagar slaall also mnnitar the <br />Agreement and the porfatmaanee of Cho Propogar, The Prapcsar'a Agx'aamant <br />Adrnlnlstmidon $ogti to tosponalble Car man4gaman0 and coordination of the <br />agreement and staall act as the adminlatrative polnC of contact with the City, <br />4,2 Cvaaintanagpq hegnremanrs, Tiro otoging of oil faellity areas, ftamishings, <br />fixtures &net Nuipment ooverod by this Rptp abed be performed In a sate, ooutplote, and <br />eahodaled manner Cot Whlah each item and saeaee was dosignad, Th i work &hall <br />Include provantivo and eorraodvo malmanaace, oloaning, Inspection, and notlficatlan, All <br />services shall bo porfornurd in m wanner that is minimally cUSrttptive to normal factIlty <br />oparaYdvns, The Police Adrainistration Manager ghali approve any shutdown of areas or <br />syatmms for, nidatonaftoo in advance, <br />The City rasarvas Cho, sight• to look services from other resources if the proposer does not <br />respond In the time t'imm dosorthad in tho PX ? to meet any maintananco work needed. <br />The cost of snob attornpto sorvMoos sisal( be doduotod from dra City's payment w the <br />proposer, <br />4,9 W ork Priorieiag; Ta portotntng the work, the proposor shalt oomidor in priority ardor, the <br />rollowing items. <br />1 • oeeupant sakoty, wltiola is the safety of staff, visitors, inmates, and other parsons <br />at the qua, <br />2, Nlalxuatranaa to be patformerl In a high quailty mamnr to pravlde a clean and <br />and banithy woritplaco all the time, Rroposar's funnishad• oquiptnent shall <br />he in good warking condition at all times. Propoaox's firrnlshed aloaning <br />chemicals, suppllos, carts, and equipment shall be on-band ar all limas to <br />moot the naafis of the cleaning start and must be a'ppxovod by the Pvltaa <br />Adtninigkeation Manager, and must be quality ocmtnorutal branda, <br />2501-13 <br />