PIR 13.00
<br />5, 3,4, L atty Cleanlna aA tst o ca! : Clean all floor drains and remove corrosion and tarelsh,
<br />5,3,5 pailsnfns of CarusES Remavo visible and kdddon soil cad debris from the carpet
<br />su asao and from w1tF fn the datpat piNo, Chairs, trash raoeptaclw, power cards, boxes,
<br />aqd other such lGame eha11 bo tilt ®d or maned w1 cn naoosgary, ,4peoiad attonti= shall bm
<br />paid to corners cad slang walla, under and between famituro, to lasts oatpet Is
<br />fhorauglily cleaned !n ali cross, ".Cis a4rpat shall ba No of all visible Soil and liter, For
<br />Weiss roduarlan, which l,i aesontial to d a 9l l eatorgoncy polloo dlapausdt aparadon, the
<br />bu It -in vaaututa syatam supplf ad by the pallao Dap4rtmAnt will be used when vac mining
<br />dla Pollee Cammunloadans alo4,
<br />$,U Dally Deana lN9OPI a 0110114albstdd FinnrS 6r. Wamkly M",hlne 9rruh6ine of S CnnO
<br />and other such Rains shaU be moved as asaossacy cad roturtiad to tlaoir apprnpriato
<br />looatlon, All aeoessiblo areas of the Not shall be damp mopped, Caro shall be taken tc
<br />proved splash and rnap rumica from being visible on furniture legs, doors, eta., "Caution
<br />—VJot•FYopr" signs shall be pladad so as to provide suftiom safety measures, After a
<br />Floor has been damp mopped, it shell laavo no peddles water and be ?me of soil, stains,
<br />dobrds, streaks, and swim! marim All wet floor signs shall be rauaoved and pun away after
<br />the floor surfaas 1s dry,
<br />5,3,7 Dally daA ralinp of Tp #lake &lg Remova scum, m[nocal deposits, rust stains, old,
<br />5,3,8 17a11i! I isint'eatlnlr of Pnrnhurn. Pixtirrm. Nvatla. &. Parrlrtnnm within a"airnnms
<br />u rnroarn m7a r sue; pu,-np wipe and disltaftt 411 aou�woW hard surfaeeS of
<br />tlualture, flxturas, walls, partiticns, doors, and lookmrs, Spcagal calm shall be taken to
<br />insure Chase sarP4aari arc not sofatohed, damMod, or stain,
<br />5.3.9 1?011y Vryrutuming q a ab 4a n l[ a WjIi : Romovs all duet, lint halt, Uttev, and
<br />dry soli Prom all fabric 6urraops of ehalrs, 00nohea, Work station pardtlone, and other
<br />furniture With a Fabric coveting,
<br />53, l()P i,Ny Rltatin vF Leek r Paay; gust locker taps lit dressing areas, storgo ruonas, looker
<br />rooms sad malntecsnnae areas,
<br />5,3,11S3ally 7uslinu of ltulldtns Su&MI Romovo all dust, lint, litter, dry soil, etc„ from the
<br />strrtaoo oP ledges, window mill, tockor tops, and Rice oxtdaguiahors, This &hall also be done
<br />for ooMputor tops, wall and door fVmm and CIS, light switchos, pictures, partitions,
<br />rails, and other typo& oV fixture, and stuldooe Wblob arm not aauaidorod to be furniture
<br />anrfaaea. This also applies to speolalty for upeolalty equlph ong sUeh as Lost equipment,
<br />oompaterS, typowrlters, Cai0alatnra, eta,, Wlatatt are located anywhere between the floor
<br />aiuisao, up to nlm (9) foot In height, Dusting shall be a000mplished by the removal of
<br />Soil frOtrl the area, net by moving it Pram one sur£aae to another, This includes thm
<br />01e4ning of the atrium wood ledges, Dusting shall be completed using store dusting
<br />Wiped,
<br />12
<br />25D -17
<br />