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RY+P 13.015 <br />detogont solution from the baseboards, door, or athar uorAcor surfaces gad It adf agent <br />opacee, <br />5'3'370uartorly C&MM Clegnln$: Caepst oloaning Is usually done on a guarteety bash, <br />coordinated through tbo Foiloo AdmintstrAdon Manager to detormino exaot clogging <br />lacatdons, Cara sbau be ratan to hagttra the, caqet is thoroughly cleaned and dry ,prior to <br />opening the van ap to toot trakilo, <br />5,3,3dt,2ijody of yjhLe 8toraao Laolcors, Wipe down the outside <br />lookers n4 any dust, dirt, or donne, Care shall be taken not to spray any 65441118 8011W09 <br />or water directly Into the lookers thmogh the open slota, <br />513,39 io and Refinish "Pilo Ftcom fag needodl; All 40R,flxed ftlanishing3 311011 as tables, <br />chairs, desk's, trash receptacles, storage oontainets shall bo removed prior to stripping <br />uotma exempted by the City, Remove all removable Marks, 11001 marks, s0u1Ftngrk0, tugs <br />stains, gum and other typos of stains gad soil, Ntentel aotabbing devices shall be used In <br />areas Inacoessible to the dear machine. <br />514031�Axagg) Window Cleaning; Cotarplatoty romave dust, cobwebs, srnpdgas, tap041 oil <br />dim and other other types of Sall fhom all intoelor windows attd partltloas, komovo drip end <br />splash marks from all adjacent surfaces. Glass in open 3pa00 and 02LOO partitions, entry <br />glass doors and entry aroa glass pan-01.8 we WoludOd In this M100t (Inoluding poiioc <br />facility & Jail .facility). Tho two ('g) atalutn skytigbu Ln the coiling of OW pollcc taetlity, <br />pomrnaalty Room and'Lunahroom sky4ghts, and the extortor of oho facility wlndo+rrs arc <br />no( tnctudod in dais project. <br />53,41 The entire pollee lattahroom, inaluding cagbi0r, <br />testtooms, eating areas, vending machines, hallway, glass and painted doors, and <br />mr.- Ismawrs are all looiudod in this contract„ Arena should be cleaned so groasa, dirt, <br />food, partiolos, trash and other Lttcr aro thorougdly olennod and removed from surfaces. <br />Thts area needs to ongalu stealthy and oicau enviroarnent on a dally'basis, <br />toad, wash down area Into ftgr dvaln, Pick up <br />5,3.41 is r s; As neadad closet /mop the four eelrlent stalrwaAs located at each ooroor of the <br />Pig Otullity, <br />5,4 olfia areas to be. Ma WALd <br />9,4,1 it (on a dally basis) <br />Fit %Flom- ;Wdloal Mom- *1112, 1HI14and 11-1113 <br />Central Con trot 'Room and 1 employee regtrocatn <br />Kltohon ROattoom 1B find IC <br />Booking (emp'loyoe area only) <br />1,6 <br />25D -21 <br />