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t <br />1 a, 4G q r t Apply a garnkidal detergent solution to <br />all surfaom of 'Wash baaf% toilets, toilet spat bingos, pipos, salmis, showers and adjacent i <br />surfaces,. Dry all metal pap kaeea of faucets, handles, valves, ow,. Shower wall, door and. <br />soap scum, raid 'acrd mildew shah be reinovod daily and drett screens cleated of hair <br />and lint, Oil is ,twt to be used to polish metal fixtures, <br />Remove rnoistmo, vet or dry soil, and any debris ftom oarpotod <br />aratrarrce mats. Enauro mats are properly paaid000d ou the floor, <br />fk0—I* d!n—U, Clean all floor Drains and remove oorxosfon and tararislr. <br />KUM ,pLQ : Rernave visible and hidden soil and debris from the carpet 1 I <br />surface and ftotn within tiro carpots pile, Chaim. Usk teoeptacies, power cords, boxes, <br />and other° such items shall be tilted, or moved whop necessary. Special attention snail be <br />Paid to ccrMOM and slang walla, under and botwean futKaitvxe, to fnsura wvot is j <br />thoroughly oloaned, in all areas. The oarpot shalt bo .free of all visible Sell and liter. Far <br />Alpo roduotidn, which is essential to tbo 911 emergozVy polioe dispatch, operatlan, the <br />built -in vatctzrnxr s'ystom supplied Ir z the Police Department %ill be wood when vaetnrrniag <br />the Police Conimnalcationa area„ <br />lord other sq6 iterus sli al he uaaaed as necessary err et rs9Yarnest ka their appre prlato <br />location. All acoossiblo preps of the '€ 00 shall be dgi'np capped. C. oball ba -takou to <br />PlIftat sglasir and mop marks'hm being visible on frixdttaro logs, da.Qts, eta.: "Caution <br />and %ot 14ode " signs shall bg6ced ac as to provide surdejont 6afety mcaotrko, Aft ' a <br />floo',rhas beau damp mglrpod, it shall hated rrn Puddles Water and 6e . froa of aati, stars, <br />debraa, passe n ar'ad S'Whi rrrratics. Alt wet door signs shall be removed and part away aRer <br />the floor - mface ia. dry, <br />�d °a��lg�a ak'�'abdd ®ks a{,•�r„duq,g,:4l�emo ve scyui�, nfinnoral cTepgaits, tu5t sia[ruv, oCn, <br />'�°�.l'�,60�,,; T,'law.p wipe and dis1�'eot ail WOn -weed hard surfaooa <br />of fitrtaittrte� fixtures, walla, psr6atiorza, daora, and' lockers. ,xpcnlai Dare shall. he taltan to <br />inortre tlreae surk'aaes pro not scratehoet, daanagcd, or sta%a. <br />R4 t taqW,gg W ;i�glp Bhp c.padrawityrrc pwcad'seom : Remove all diver, lint hair, Bittcat, <br />and dry soil Oom all fabrio strtf"aees of ohalm, couches, work si;ation partitions, and other <br />firrult re vAtb a thbri'a covoring, <br />tusdiutt gpl'GromD <or i ntrs Dust 10ekcs tags in dressing areas, storage rootas, locker <br />rafdM Mid mhlftotranco areas, <br />25D -34 <br />