<br />Ito LqS& �' - , e ,tide= All soiled or tarn G.,mb reooptacie liners shall
<br />bo plaood vft 4 tow trash W o;ptaolo Diner. Tire• liner shall be replaosd in such a manaaor
<br />as to presetat a treat Uniform appearance.
<br />of ®at d Rmove viudgaa,
<br />fingorprirrts,.tnarks, Streaks, taps, oto, from the swd'aoe of ledges, windows, partition
<br />glaas„ window ail Is, lire extinguiahors., counter tops, walls, doors, door lharaos and sills,
<br />piotw'es, partitians, tails, surd other types. of Et:twrex and smiacas T Ws Includes all items
<br />from the hour at lhco to l l foot in heigiat. Care shall be takotr not to po anontly rnaalt,
<br />scratch or discolor the starPacoa,
<br />of
<br />e: Td emovd nooperm nont stains and soil from do
<br />interior old exterior of trash receptacles,
<br />,C CS2 M �,0 M ; AF..�'p, r47ve P00 WO03 MM MAIM, ,ST1At{ ees 9,n.Gl. Rght,$ WL -Od to
<br />the hWl&g entryway areas. TVs s iaraludos oiotnaing the exterior, Cf Mass and metal doors,
<br />door throsholds. and hardware. Sweep tiro (2) tWo fourth.ilooT'patios andmipe down their
<br />h4n*aUN and callings. Swoop or hoax downy he pacer arm outside the Comanuuiip Room
<br />antrana c and wipe down the haadrodl's outside the Pollee, Deparenaont lobby, fail tabby
<br />and Conxma uxity Wwm. Rernovo anylitter, olgarette Nola, Or bird dr©ppings itt theca
<br />areas too,
<br />w Orur "MR -on� rn ; u0az krdta Was Of all surr:oVading building e avy door glass and
<br />etttrY doeats t`pr a; un00rata app00aaue *qb d ali 4mudV9, fingozptlnts, stains, stroalss,
<br />l:lri14 eto, Romolro any paper and tape, Ctema 4 mjl tors iru.restraorn4 looker mom aald
<br />1masa ozator in tho sanam mums as above, Spat ol'aa:n 0, moo attrd work Avadoh glass as
<br />naeded on a dally'bmis. Clean glass a limee dom to Pollee Facility slid 40 twloo'd017,
<br />lcawtlaee m i ar Qw g; Clean Inotdo and.outaida ot "All kMuvowavq ar +ens,
<br />ternavingurtrrnbs and spills.
<br />` uu� ar :.Nta Uurpty Uasn rocvpwxca.os snot ear 0MIg usu5 itr 'patio, bale©rry at�easy asid
<br />pardcl:ng azers. Clean receptacles as needed caohtxme, This includes reooptaoles that may
<br />be placed o otsido elry entry doors, such as oults Me, the ilroa'at of"the pc l'ioo dQ.pattmen% jail
<br />and yahoo oammindt'y room, ompioyop nnrth errlrartoo areas,
<br />tit oak�� of C � it es: Cardboard cartons, are to ire brol'cen dom flat and put
<br />ihio tho proper ta:aser eow4ner, inoluding any boxes oh-. -io loading dock,
<br />25D -36
<br />