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1, The Public Art shall be designed, constructed, and Installed by Owner. <br />2. A Final Design Plan for the Public Art shall be submitted to the City's Planning <br />Commission within thirty (30) days prior to the issuance of a Final Certificate of <br />Occupancy for the first unit of the Project. The Final Design Plan shall (i) identify <br />one (1) or more specific Items of Public Art for one (1) or more specific locations <br />and /or application, and (ii) specify the timing of the installation of the Public Art. <br />The installation shall occur no later than 180 days after the first utility release for <br />the Project. Owner shall expend not less than One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand <br />Dollars ($125,000) in total in connection with the Public Art. <br />3, The Public Art should invite participation and interaction, inspire, add local <br />meaning, interpret the community by revealing its culture or history, and /or capture <br />or reinforce the unique character of the new place, <br />4. The Public Art should be constructed using durable materials and finishes Including <br />but not limited to stone or metal. <br />5. The Public Art should be comprised of a single or grouped permanent work(s) at a <br />prime location visible to the public and sited to complement features such as plaza <br />or architectural components so that the Public Art is an integral part of the <br />development site. <br />5, No Public Art shall include advertising of any type, including but not limited to <br />products, service, or businesses, <br />7. All Public Art shall be properly maintained at all times, be free of any graffiti, and <br />shall not Incorporate any flashing or distracting form of illumination. <br />8. The Owner may assign ownership, maintenance and /or repair responsibilities of <br />the Public Art to one or more Owners' Association(s), <br />9. All Public Art shall remain on the Property and may not be removed without the <br />approval of the Planning Commission. <br />% Expenses not included in the Public Art Fee. <br />a. Expenses to locate the artist(s) (e.gā€ž airfare for artist interviews, etc.) <br />b, Architect and Landscape Architect fees incurred in connection with the Public <br />Work(s) of Art. <br />069619',54,M320 Exhibit C -1 <br />