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We will hold infection control meetings quarterly, at a milmmurn, and when Infection control Issues requires <br />Immediate or contInuingattention. A licensed healthcare provider Is designated to serve as the infection <br />Control Coordinator. The Infection control committee will consist of the following members: <br />All SAJ infectious disease reporting activities are coordinated through use of Techcare'", inmates diagnosed <br />with Infectious diseases are irmnediately enrolled in the appropriate chronic care clinic, which will provide <br />appropriate referrals,and treatment plans. The inmate's care can then be tracked through the chronic care <br />clinic module in TechCareT" , <br />NaphCare wilt provide automatic incident Reporting to the SA4 IVhen incidents otcuron-site, our <br />14SA is trained to outomaticollyrepart all incidents to our central office byway of an Autornated <br />Incident Reporting Email Service; OurAutamatedInc(dent Reporting Email Service sends an alert of <br />the SAJ incident to ourcorporate clinical and administrative managers, who review all incidents to <br />ensure tho t appropriate measures are taPen to resolve each 155ve, <br />8. Medication Management <br />a. NaphCare will provide routine over-the-counter pharmaceutical and routine prescription are <br />for ail inmates. Long-term medication for chronic care, including HIV and psychatroph: <br />medications will be the responsibility of the inmate's contracting agency, <br />if the Inmate population changes such that the number of non-contracting agency (Santa Ana <br />Arresteas, LAPD, Various ClVm�, etc.) Inmates increases overthe population amount provided in <br />the 2014 RFP, pg, 11 (Sixteen (16 non-contracting agency inmates),the Oty of Santa Ana agrees <br />to enter n eSotlatloft With NaphCare to amend the contract to add a mutually agreeable <br />reimbursement arrangement foron-site costs (i.e. Pharmaceuticals, supplies, etc.). <br />Inmate Medical services RFP No. 14-034 <br />City of Santa Ana 37 <br />25H-40 <br />M <br />