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The current form and version of the pamphlet can be found at: <br />,pdf <br />(2) In accordance with 24 CFR 35, Subpart A, all available information and knowledge regarding the <br />presence of LBP and LBP hazards prior to leasing a housing unit. <br />(3) In accordance with 24 CFR 35, Subpart A, notification in writing of the results of the <br />presumption of LBP and/or LBP hazards, results of any lead hazard evaluation, and any lead <br />hazard reduction work. <br />F. LBP hrformation Suinmary <br />For purposes of information only and in no respect intended to be a representation or warranty of the <br />provisions of the LBP Regulations, the CITY has caused to be prepared an information summary relating <br />to the LBP Regulations and Application to dwelling units that may be occupied by recipients of services <br />and /or funding from the SUBRECIPIENT under this AGREEMENT. CITY staff will cooperate with and <br />be available to the SUBRECIPIENT to assist in implementation of compliance with the LBP Regs as to <br />residential dwelling units to be assisted by the SUBRECIPIENT. The parties acknowledge and agree the <br />CITY shall not be liable or responsible for the accuracy of such summary, and the SUBRECIPENT is <br />directed to the LBP Regulations and implementing guidance published and provided by HUD relating to <br />compliance with such LBP Regulations. <br />G. Exemptions <br />Section 35.115(a) provides exemptions from Subparts B through R. For example, lead -based paint <br />requirements do not apply to housing assistance if the assistance lasts less than one hundred (100) days. <br />XI. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST <br />The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with 24 CFR § 84.42 with respect to the use of program funds to <br />procure services, equipment, supplies, or other property. With respect to all other decisions involving the <br />use of program funds, the following restriction shall apply: No person who is an employee, agent, <br />consultant, officer, or elected or appointed official of the SUBRECIPIENT and who exercises or has <br />exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to assisted activities, or who is in a position to <br />participate in a decision making process or gain inside information with regard to such activities, may <br />obtain a personal or financial interest or benefit from the activity, or have an interest in any contract, <br />subcontract, or agreement with respect thereto, or the proceeds there under, either for himself or herself, <br />or for those with who he or she has family or business ties, during his or her tenure or for one (1) year <br />thereafter. <br />The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to abide by the ESG Program's Conflict of Interest provisions as expressly <br />detailed in 24 CFR § 576.404 regarding Organizational Conflicts of Interest and Personal Conflicts of <br />Interest. All contractors of the SUBRECIPIENT must comply with the same requirements that apply to <br />the SUBRECIPIENT under this section. <br />XII. ASSIGNABILITY <br />None of the duties of, or work to be performed by, the SUBRECIPIENT under this AGREEMENT shall <br />be subcontracted or assigned to any agency, consultant, or person without the prior written consent of the <br />CITY. The SUBRECIPIENT must submit all subcontracts and other agreements that relate to this <br />AGREEMENT to the CITY. No subcontract or assignment shall terminate or alter the legal obligations <br />of the SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this AGREEMENT. <br />XIII. EXCLUSIVITY OF AGREEMENT <br />15 <br />