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AEGIS ITS, INC A-2014-188 REVIEWED BY <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />%. The following replaces Paragraph 8. cfSEC- <br />TION U|~L|K8|TSOF|N8URANCG: <br />Subject to S. above, the Damage To Pmn+ <br />iaeu Rented To You Limit is the most wowill <br />pay under Coverage Afor damages because <br />of "property damage" to any one premises <br />while rented boyou, ortemporarily occupied <br />by YOU with ponn}nnion of the owner, caused <br />by One| explosion; lightning; smoke resulting <br />from such fira, explosion, o, lightning; or wa- <br />ter. The Damage To Pnamiuoe [Rented To <br />You Limi(wi|| apply \oall damage proximately <br />caused by the same ^occurron^e", whether <br />such damage results from fire; explosion; <br />lightning; smoke resulting hnm such fire, ox- <br />p|ooion.orlightning; water; orany combina- <br />tion u[onyo[dhono. <br />The Damage To Pnomiaoa Rented To YOU <br />Limit will bothe higher of: <br />a. $300,000; or <br />b. The amount shown on the Declarations of <br />this Coverage Part for O magoTo P/en' <br />mae[Renmo |oYou Limit, <br />4. The YbUmw|nQ replaces Paragraph a. of the <br />definition Of "Insured contract" inthe DEP|N|- <br />T|ONS Section: <br />e. A contract for lease of pnanbeo How- <br />ever, that portion of the contract for e <br />lease of premises that indemnifies any <br />person or organization for damage to <br />premises while rented to you, ortempo- <br />rarily 000up|ed by you with pann|aainn of <br />the owner, Caused by: <br />(1)Rn% <br />(2) Explosion; <br />(3) Lightning; <br />(4) Smoke resulting from aunh 8n\ ex- <br />plosion, <br />+pdooion. or|iAhLning; or <br />(5) Water, <br />is not an "Insured contract"; <br />5. The following replaces Paragraph 4.h11>(b) <br />ofSECTION |V~COMMERCIAL GENERAL <br />LIABILITY CONDITIONS: <br />(b) That is inaumnre for premises rented to <br />you, or temporarily occupied by You with <br />the permission o[the owner; <br />I �,(t. <br />EUN|CEHEREDiA(PG 4OF4) <br />ofSECTION [V—COMMERCIAL GENERAL LI- <br />ABILITY CONDITIONS: <br />We waive any right of recovery we may have <br />against any person or organization because of <br />payments we make for injury or damage arising <br />out of premises owned or occupied by or rented <br />or loaned to YOU: ongoing operations performed <br />by you or on your behalf, done under m contract <br />with that person o, organization; "your work"; or <br />,your products". We waivu this right where you <br />have agreed todvooaspart nfowritten contract, <br />executed byyou prior tnloss. <br />F. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED —OWNERS, <br />MANAGERS ORLESSORS 0FPREMISES <br />The following is added to SECTION ||—VVHO /S <br />AN INSURED: <br />Any person or organization that is a premises <br />owner, manager or |aanor and that you have <br />agreed in a written contract or agreement to <br />name moon additional insured on this Coverage <br />Part is an inoued, but only with respect to liability <br />for "bodily injury". "property dammQa^. "personal <br />injury"o,"advertising |njury" that: <br />a. }o"bodily injury" o,"property damage" caused <br />by an "occurrence" that takes p|oue, or"per- <br />sonal injury" or "advertising injury" caused by <br />an offense that is comm|8ed, after you have <br />signed and executed that contract o/agnae- <br />mend;and <br />b. Adunm out of the ownership, maintenance or <br />use of that part of any premises leased to <br />you. <br />The insurance provided to Such premises owner, <br />manager or lessor is subject to the following pro- <br />visions: <br />o. The limits of insurance provided to such <br />premises m*oor, manager or |aaonr will be <br />the limits which you agreed to provide in the <br />written non|moi or agreement, or the limits <br />shown on the Declarations of this Oovaxogo <br />Part, whichever are less. <br />b. The insurance provided to auoh premises <br />owner, manager orlessor does not apply to: <br />(1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />cause(] by an "occurrence" that takes <br />p|ooa, or "personal injury" or "advertising <br />injury" Caused byanoffense that isoum' <br />miUad, after you umoae to be a tenant in <br />that premises; or <br />E 8 OF E. ���n�^v"*/v�n / (2) Structural alterations, new construction or <br />The kd|mv|ng is added to Paragraph 8.. Transfer demolition operations performed by mon <br />0fRights UfRecovery Against Others To Us. <br />