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Sexlinger Farmhouse and Orchard <br />Residential Development Project <br />CEQA Findings <br />1. Impact: Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an <br />archaeological resource pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5? <br />Finding: Less Than Significant, With Mitigation Incorporated. (January 2014 EIR <br />Attachment, p. 6; EIR pp. 5 -41.) <br />Analysis: There is no evidence of landscape related archaeological sites such as road <br />traces, ruins, or complex irrigation systems located within the portions of the site that will <br />be developed with new residences. (EIR, p. 5 -38.) A field survey conducted for the <br />proposed project found no archaeological resources within the project site. The field <br />survey found little evidence of past activities except for one remaining standpipe and gate <br />valve, which are typical of orange groves, and one concrete pad located south of the <br />garage. Past plowing of the site limited the visibility of the original ground surface, and <br />no early trash deposits were noted by the field survey, (EIR, p. 5 -41.) However the <br />project includes ground disturbing activities and therefore there is a potential for impacts <br />to unknown archaeological resources, With the incorporation of the following mitigation <br />measures, this impact is reduced to a level of less than significant: <br />CULT -1: An Orange County certified Archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grade <br />and at the tree removal meetings to discuss the monitoring, collecting and safety <br />procedures for the project. The archaeologist should review the construction plans and <br />schedule. <br />CULT -2: An Orange County certified Archaeologist shall be retained to monitor <br />grading activities, to observe and retrieve any buried prehistoric and historic artifacts or . <br />features that may be uncovered. <br />CULT -4: If prehistoric or historic artifacts or deposits are uncovered, the Orange <br />County certified Archaeologist shall temporarily halt construction activities for the <br />immediate area until the archaeologist can evaluate the significance of the find. The <br />archaeologist would immediately contact the field manager and project personnel. <br />Implementation of a recovery program would follow, if the artifacts are determined <br />potentially eligible for the California Register. <br />CULT -5: Any recovered artifacts shall be properly collected with photographs, field <br />notes, and locations plotted on a USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle. Artifacts will be <br />identified and catalogued, and stabilized for curation. Any recovered artifacts shall be <br />offered, on a first right -of- refusal basis, to a repository with a retrievable collection <br />system and an educational and research interest in the materials. <br />CULT -6: A final monitoring report, including an itemized inventory and pertinent field <br />data, shall be sent to the Lead Agency as well as copies of the reports to the South <br />Central Coastal Information Center at the California State University at Fullerton. <br />Implementation of the above measures will ensure that any unknown and unexpected <br />archaeological resources discovered during construction activities are properly retrieved, <br />26 "Exhibit A" <br />