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Sexlinger Farmhouse and Orchard <br />Residentlal Development Project <br />CEQA Findings <br />preserved, and recorded. As a result, impacts are considered less than significant. (EIR, <br />p. 5 -41, 5 -42, 5 -43.) <br />3. Impact: Would the project disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of <br />formal cemeteries? <br />Finding: Less Than Significant, With Mitigation Incorporated. (January 2014 EIR <br />Attachment, p. 6; EIR pp. 5 -41.) <br />Analysis; There are no known formal cemeteries on the project site and no human <br />remains were discovered during field surveys. However, the project may involve ground <br />disturbing activities such as grading for construction and excavation, As such, the project <br />has the potential to disturb or destroy undocumented, undiscovered remains. With the <br />following mitigation measure, this impact is considered less than significant: <br />CULT -3: If human remains are found during the excavation, the Native American <br />Graves Protection Act Guidelines and State law require that construction personnel halt <br />the work in the immediate area, leave the remains in place, and contact the manager, <br />project personnel, and the Orange County Coroner. If the Coroner determined the <br />remains are prehistoric, the Coroner will contact the Native American Heritage <br />Commission and the most likely descendent from the Native American community will <br />be informed. <br />As a result of CULT -3, unknown and undocumented human remains will be protected <br />and preserved, and this impact will be mitigated to less than significant. (EIR, pp. 5 -41 <br />through 5 -43.) <br />E. GEOLOGY AND SOILS <br />1. Impact: Would the Project expose people or structures to potential adverse effects, <br />including the risk of loss, injury or death involving: (i) rupture of a known earthquake <br />fault; (ii) strong seismic ground shaking; (iii) seismic - related ground failure, including <br />liquefaction; or (iv) landslides? <br />Finding: Less Than Significant, With Mitigation. (EIR, p. 5 -44, 5 -45.) <br />Analysis: As with all areas in Southern California, the project site is subject to <br />seismically inducted ground movements, and nearby fault zones include the San Andreas, <br />Elsinore, and San Jacinto Fault zones. However, the project site does not include active <br />or potentially active faults. Due to the fact that groundwater depth is not shallow, <br />impacts posed by liquefaction and landslides are negligible, However, because there may <br />be seismic ground shaking at the project site, the following mitigation measure will <br />reduce the potential for impact to less than significant: <br />GEO -1: The project shall comply with all applicable standard engineering practices, <br />grading ordinances of the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange and applicable federal <br />state, and regional regulations, including the California Building Code. <br />28 "Exhibit A" <br />