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REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: <br />OCTOBER 21, 2014 <br />TITLE: <br />AMEND AN AGREEMENT FOR <br />CONTRACTED ENVIRONMENTAL <br />SERVICES WITH PLACEWORKS <br />(STRATEGIC PLAN NOS. 3,2; 5, 3) <br />CITY MA GER <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL USE ONLY: <br />F—IT2001TOMWO <br />❑ As Recommended <br />❑ As Amended <br />❑ Ordinance on 1" Reading <br />❑ Ordinance on Od Reading <br />❑ Implementing Resolution <br />❑ Set Public Hearing For <br />CONTINUED TO <br />91i4001EXI 7 <br />Authorize the City Manager and Clerk of the Council to execute the attached amendment to the <br />agreement with PlaceWorks to prepare an Environmental Impact Report and related technical <br />studies for the Harbor Corridor Specific Plan for a period no longer than six months for an <br />additional amount of $13,240 not to exceed a total contracted amount of $175,374, subject to <br />non- substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />In 2010 the City, with the assistance of a successful grant award from the Southern California <br />Association of Governments (SCAG) and consultation from PlaceWorks, kicked off the Harbor <br />Corridor Specific Plan study. The scope included analysis of the existing zoning, land use and <br />transit. The scope also included extensive outreach to the community through a series of <br />workshops, fairs and neighborhood meetings. Due to the potential for significant environmental <br />impacts, an environmental impact report (EIR) was required for this project pursuant to the <br />California Environmental Quality Act. <br />A Request for Proposal was circulated to qualified environmental firms in 2010 as a part of the <br />Harbor Corridor Specific Plan project. In 2010, City Council approved an agreement with <br />PlaceWorks for $152,184 for contracted environmental review for the Harbor Corridor Specific <br />Plan. <br />During the Draft EIR review period, comments were received from the Orange County Sanitation <br />District requesting further analysis of the sewer trunk lines. In addition, it was necessary to <br />include a Water Supply Assessment in compliance with SB 610 (Senate Bill 610) requiring water <br />assessment in conjunction with the Draft EIR. These additional items resulted in an amendment <br />to the agreement be executed with Place Works for $9,950. <br />At the City Council meeting on September 16, 2014, a number of revisions and additions were <br />identified for follow -up action prior to finalizing the plan. These changes included modifications <br />to the Development Standards to increase the permitted building height, setback /building <br />25CC -1 <br />