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ATTACHMENT A: ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY FISCAL YEAR <br />Fiscal Year 2012/2013 <br />Strategy Development <br />During FY 2012/13, as required by local funding agencies, a public, outreach and education plan was <br />developed for the FFCS: Entitled, Public Outreach for Green initiatives, the plan proposes actions that <br />will increase public awareness of the green initiatives of the division and by doing so increase public <br />support for funding. Targeted actions of the plan were Implemented Including the development of <br />"mini mark" for the FFCS. <br />Grant Funding <br />StrategicSolutions secured $326,000 in grant funding for FFCS projects during FY 2012/2013, <br />Projects Funded <br />• Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (11) - $66,000 <br />• CNG Paratransit Buses (2) - $260,000 <br />• Propane Vehicles Boy -Down Incentives (7) -$TBA <br />Recaenitian Highlights <br />• 100 Best Fleet in North America - #S (moved up from #10 in 2012) <br />• SustainabilityAll- Star— RickLongabart <br />Fiscal Year 2013/2014 <br />Strategy Development <br />In FY 2013/2014, StrategicSolutions drafted a public access policy for City -owned electric vehicle <br />charging stations. The Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Public Access Policy defines the number of <br />hours and cost of electric vehicle charging. The Public Outreach for Green initiatives was updated, a <br />cover designed and additional action items completed. <br />Grant Funding <br />To date, StrategicSolutions secured $244,000 in grant funding for FFCS projects during FY 2013/2014, <br />Projects Funded <br />• Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (6) - $34,000 <br />• Heavy -Duty Propane Vehicles (7) - $210,000 <br />Recognition Highlights <br />• 2014 Green California Leadership Awards - StateWinner- Transportation <br />• 2013 RMFMA fleet Professional of the year -Rick Longobart <br />Summary <br />• Six strategies to lead the FFCS to a more efficient and XXX agency were developed <br />• Concurrent with and in support of strategy development, $1,553,500 in grant funding was secured. <br />• Implementation of proposed actions over the last four fiscal years resulted in the FFCS steadily <br />climbing from #99, then to #38, next to #10 and finally to 95 in the 100 Best Fleets in North America <br />competition. <br />Draft 412112014 <br />25JJ -10 <br />