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Prior to voting on July 15, 2015 did the OC Supervisors walk the proposed 1217 E. Normandy <br />Place site? <br />(2) Correspondence: Provide copies of all correspondence that was sent to residents, <br />Businesses, schools and tenants in apartment complexes, informing them of community forums, <br />and re zoning meetings, and any other meetings related to the Homeless Shelter issue. (a.) How <br />information was sent and, (b) number of letters/ and or flyers sent. <br />Please provide this information by Thursday, August 7, 2014. <br />Should you have any questions please call us. <br />Susana C. Sandoval, Irma Jauregui <br />Co Chairs, Santa Ana Healthy Neighborhoods Alliance <br />** Received email from County Staff on August 4 <br />Hi Susana, <br />We are in receipt of your request for information. <br />We will be responding in accordance with the Public Records Act (PRA) request process and timelines. <br />I have copied in our Custodian of Records and one of us will be in touch. <br />JUANITA PRECIADO <br />EMAIL: JUANITA.PRECIADO(aOCCR OCCOV COM <br />PHONE 714.480.2727 1 FAX 714.480.2803 <br />