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Project, and the parties agree that Company will continue to <br />provide the Services, as originally set forth in the Scope of Work, <br />and Customer will continue to pay the Fee, as originally set forth <br />in the Scope of Work. <br />4. Independent Contractor Relationship. <br />Company's relationship with Customer will be that of an <br />independent Contractor and nothing in this Agreement should <br />be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, or <br />employer - employee relationship. Customer is not an agent of <br />Company and is not authorized to make any representation, <br />contract, or commitment on behalf of Company, or to bind <br />Company in any way. Company is not an agent of Customer and <br />is not authorized to make any representation, contract, or <br />commitment on behalf of Customer, or to bind Customer in any <br />way. Company will not be entitled to any of the benefits, which <br />Customer may make available to its employees, such as group <br />insurance, profit sharing or retirement benefits. <br />5. Proprietary Information. <br />During the Term of this Agreement and after the termination of <br />this Agreement, the parties will take all steps reasonably <br />necessary to hold the other party's Proprietary Information in <br />confidence, will not use the other party's Proprietary <br />Information in any manner or for any purpose not expressly set <br />forth in this Agreement, and will not disclose any such <br />Proprietary Information to any third party without the disclosing <br />party's express prior written consent. "Proprietary Information' <br />includes, but is not limited to (a) trade secrets, inventions, ideas, <br />processes, formulas, source and object codes, data, other works <br />of authorship, know -how, improvements, discoveries, <br />developments, designs and techniques; and (b) information <br />regarding plans for research, development, new products, <br />marketing and selling, budgets and unpublished financial <br />statements, licenses, prices and costs, suppliers and customers; <br />and (c) information regarding the skills and compensation of <br />employees . Nothing will be considered to be Proprietary <br />Information if (1) it is readily available to the public other than <br />by a breach of this Agreement; (2) it has been rightfully received <br />by the receiving party from a third party without confidential <br />limitations; (3) it has been independently developed by the <br />receiving party without reference to or use of the disclosing <br />party's Proprietary Information; or (4) it was rightfully known to <br />the receiving party prior to its first receipt from the disclosing <br />party. The receiving party shall be entitled to disclose the <br />disclosing party's Proprietary Information if required by law or a <br />judicial order; provided that the receiving party first provides <br />prompt notice of the required disclosure to the disclosing party, <br />and complies with any protective or similar order obtained by <br />the disclosing party limiting the required disclosure. <br />6. Representations and Warranties; Warranty Disclaimer. <br />6.1 Customer represents and warrants that (a) it has full right <br />and power to enter into and perform its obligations under this <br />Agreement, and (b) it will take all reasonable precautions to <br />prevent injury to any persons (including employees of Company) <br />or damage to Company's property during the Term of this <br />Agreement. <br />6.2 Company represents and warrants that (a) it has full right <br />and power to enter into and perform its obligations under this <br />Agreement, and (b) it will take all reasonable precautions to <br />prevent injury to any persons (including employees of <br />Customer) or damage to Customer's property during the Term <br />of this Agreement. <br />6.3 Company warrants that any Hardware provided pursuant to <br />this Agreement shall operate in good working order for a period <br />of one (1) year from Contract Execution Date, as that term is <br />defined in Exhibit A of the PremierPro Support and Maintenance <br />Agreement. Any changes or modifications to the Hardware by <br />any person other than Company, or any combination of the <br />Hardware with other materials by any person other than <br />Company, voids this limited warranty. This limited warranty is <br />also void if failure of the Hardware results from <br />transportation, neglect, misuse, or misapplication of the <br />Hardware by any person other than Company; from any <br />accident beyond Company's control; from use of the Hardware <br />not in accordance with this Agreement or documentation <br />provided in connection with the Hardware; or from <br />Customer's failure to provide a suitable environment for the <br />Hardware. <br />6.4 The express warranties in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 above are <br />lieu of all other warranties, express, implied or statutory, <br />arising from or related to this Agreement and any hardware <br />provided to Customer hereunder, including, but not limited <br />to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a <br />particular purpose, title, and non - infringement of third party <br />rights. Customer acknowledges that it has relied on no <br />warranties other than the express warranties in Sections 6.2 <br />and 6.3 of this Agreement. Except for the express warranty <br />in Section 6.3 of this Agreement, Company provides the <br />Services and Hardware to Customer "as is" and "as <br />available," and Company does not warrant that the Services <br />or Hardware will be uninterrupted or error free, and <br />Company hereby disclaims any and all liability in connection <br />therewith. This warranty disclaimer is made regardless of <br />whether Company knows or has reason to know of Customer's <br />particular needs. No Company employee, agent, dealer, or <br />distributor of Company is authorized to modify this limited <br />warranty, or make any additional warranties, whether orally, <br />in writing, or otherwise. This Section 6.4 shall be enforceable <br />to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. <br />7. Customer Remedies; Limitation of Liability. <br />7.1 If Customer finds what it reasonably believes to be a <br />failure of the Hardware to conform to the limited warranty in <br />Section 6.3 of this Agreement, and provides Company with a <br />written report that describes such failure in sufficient detail to <br />enable Company to reproduce or understand such failure, <br />Company and its suppliers' entire liability and Customer's <br />exclusive remedy for breach of the limited warranty in Section <br />6.3 regarding the Hardware, is for Company to use <br />commercially - reasonable efforts to correct or provide a <br />workaround for the failure at no additional charge to <br />Customer. If, in Company's sole discretion, it provides <br />25KK -14 <br />