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Selectron <br />V O I C E ' W E B MOBILE <br />due date, as well as an amount due (if any exists). The caller will then be given the <br />option of making a payment. <br />Using the IVR, callers will also be able to access other license information /functions as <br />listed under Dog Licensing, above. <br />Callers will also be able to transfer to an agent. If a caller requests a transfer, the IVR <br />performs a hook -flash transfer to a number specified by Santa Ana. <br />2.4. City Attorney <br />For Santa Ana's City Attorney information line, Selectron will be building an initial base <br />call flow. During the implementation process, The City's appointed project manager will <br />work with Santa Ana to determine the contents of the info line, up to ten informational <br />nodes. Santa Ana can contact Selectron support to update the info line (including <br />format, prompt recording, etc.). This may incur additional support costs depending on <br />the scope of the changes. <br />In addition, Selectron will provide the City with access to the call flow development tool <br />that Selectron uses to develop IVR call flows. Selectron will also provide the City with <br />basic training on using the tool to update the City Attorney info line call flow where <br />needed. The City will be responsible for recording prompts as needed. <br />The development tool itself and the base call flow are included under the Support & <br />Maintenance agreement. Support related to issues arising from changes made using the <br />call flow development tool may incur additional professional services costs. <br />2.5. Relay Outbound <br />Relay Outbound provides Santa Ana with a multi - channel outbound communication <br />platform capable of sending Voice, SMS, and email messages to citizens. Two kinds of <br />notifications can be sent: Targeted Notifications, which include dynamic account data <br />and are designed to be sent to specific recipients; and static notifications, which do not <br />include customer - specific data and are designed as more 'general information' style <br />messaging. Static Notifications can be designed and recorded by Santa Ana staff using <br />the Relay Portal. All Notifications are scheduled via the Relay Portal. <br />Santa Ana's Relay Outbound will include targeted notification messaging in the following <br />language(s): English, Spanish. Additionally, recipients receiving a call due to payments <br />owed will have the option of requesting a transfer into the IVR Channel to make a <br />payment. <br />Dynamic Notifications require development and are designed during the <br />implementation process. This project includes the following Dynamic Notifications: <br />October 13, 2014 <br />25KK -28 <br />Page 6 of 17 <br />