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Project 13 -6797 Maple Bike Trail Safety Enhancements At <br />Occidental Street, St. Andrew Place, and St. Gertl ode Place; CM- 5063(149) <br />PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT <br />FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDER.AI., -AID CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS <br />GENERAL —'The wodclteteinproyosarlwillbe ficanced in whole ampatt <br />aih Federal (bads, mid traefore all of the slafuta, mks and reg nicra <br />pt xr *a1cd by the Federal Govetumit and applicable to wale financed in <br />whole cc in put with Federal funds will apply to such work 1he'Requited <br />ConhactProv onsa FeclaalAidCoshmAiahCathads '•FamFHWA1273, <br />are indudol in this Section 14. Whsrxm in said requited colractproviso s <br />w2imces are made to `SI-IA Cattrxtingo$ica;>"SHA. tesUca t atginea;,,a <br />"aulbaiz!d represent rve of the SHA," such refaaxes shall be conshtred to <br />trrean `FY>�n�t "as delined nl Section 1 -1.18 ofdte StandardSpocificsdos, <br />RMANCE OF PREVIOUS CONTRACT - In addition to the <br />ptisions Lt Section iS "Naxlisain�' and Section VII,'Subletting or <br />Assigtiugdte CorttW' cfthertxlaired mntactpruvhias, the Cathu4aslhall <br />conply with the folly nvutg <br />The BIDDER shall exaate the CEl2'll, CAMON WITH REGARD <br />TO THE PERFORMANCE OF PREVIOUS CONTRACTS OR <br />SUBCONRRACIS SUBIECrTO TIE EQUAL OPPORTUNIIY <br />CLAUSE AND THE HUNG OF REQUIRED REPORTS located in <br />dre proposal. No request for wicktri g or assigning arty periat of de <br />contract in excess of $10,000 wffi be carsidued order the proems of <br />Swim VH of the tegcmart contract Provisions tutess such nrlrxst is <br />aavngsnied by dre CERTIFICATION raZin d to above, executed by <br />thepacpasodsubxufrado. <br />NON-COLLUSION PROVISIONS - The provisions in this sat ea ate <br />gTkableto all canhacls excgxmnkacisforFedaalAid SxamcbrypicimR <br />Tile 23, Uni ed Stales Code, Section 112, requires as acondition print to <br />approvalbytbcFakrull yAdmmisnutaoft heoxthactfa,(hswodcthat <br />each BIDDERfle a swan statanmt e cent d by, or an behalfo$ the person, <br />f urb association, or capaahm to whon such contract is to be awaaied, <br />artifying4vatstn9tpa< a5fet }asrocialia }acaPrsaiiahkmsnot eithod¢aAly <br />a in- diratly, entered into any ag orrr)rt, patdctpaW in any collusion, a <br />odxmm talm any action in restra nt of free con4ratve biddrug in coal <br />with the, whytihal bid A form to make tre nai- collar n alfilviL slaierneot <br />reqaiiedbySation 112asacu f xadattmTrperrttyofp #Ur&Krffianasa <br />swomsWmixrgmpmitiodby2 $USC,Sw.1746,isiridu edinthepropcsat <br />PARIICTPAHON BY DISADVANTAGED BUS1N M <br />ENYERPRISEs IN SUBCONTRACTING - Put 26, Title 49, Cade of <br />FakaiRegul omsiA)IicstodvsFedaalaidpmject Pert¢nartsxtcnsofsaid <br />Caleeremoorpaabdinputainitsentirelywithinothersediasofdwwsp` h <br />ptov"ora <br />Scl dLicB- Irdmnati(xtforD &mmhingdointVattteE7igdihty. <br />Aaadunart <br />ExltibRA -1111 <br />&M--97 <br />(this fonnneeduotbe filled ny if all jointventure fools are <br />minority owned) <br />I. Name ofjointventum <br />2. Address ofjonhventure <br />3. Phonenunhberofjointventare <br />4. Identify the fimts which comprise thejointvenlure. (The DBE <br />partner must complete Schedule A) <br />a. Describe dhcmle ofthe DBE flan in thisjointventure. <br />b. Describe very briefly the experience andbusiness <br />qualifications of each non- MBEjoint <br />5. Nature of ttejointventore'sbusiness <br />6. Provide a copy ofdhejointvent.,V-eement <br />7. What is the c launedpetcentageofDBEownaship'7 <br />8. Ownership ofiointventure: (This need notbe filled in if <br />described in dicioint venture agreement,providedby question (6), <br />a. Profit and loss sharing <br />b. Capital contributions, <br />including equipment. <br />e. Other applicable <br />ownpsbip interests <br />BP 15 of 26 <br />23BB -25 <br />TO BE INCLUDED IN BID PACKAGE <br />