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E'irzn and Personnel Experience <br />Houston & Hards PCS, Inc. was established in Jun j,„mfltl_gdginally as a partnership, <br />incorporating In 2002, for the purpose of providing quality video pipe' inspection and hydro - <br />washing of sewer, storm drain and water lines to private contractors, engineering firms, <br />municipalities and other government agencies <br />l <br />With the overwhelming growth for the need of our services eve have taken the Initiative to <br />become knowledgeable and up-to-date on the latest technology available, as well as <br />maintaining our staff and our fleet size, Cue to the rapid changes in the video Industry we <br />have developed an information Technology Department to accommodate the numerous <br />deliverable options available. 'I"tris dapartmenfis°also capable of developing customized <br />data collection programs specific to clients' need. The IT Department has csIllfled <br />professionals with the ability to communicate with clients on ail levels of computer <br />knowledge, <br />r <br />We use only high-resolution Uux color cameras to do all our video inspections, All cameras <br />have the ability to pan and tilt with a 360 -degree view of the pipe. We also have a zoom <br />option, which will highlight small defects. This zoom option will also allow us to view down <br />the pipe If we need to see beyond debris that has impeded tha progress of the immediale <br />fine. We have added the [,ED Nova Star cameras which provide higher levels of picture <br />quality and Improved reliability with low heat output. Each video unit is equipped with both <br />a Nova Star camera and a conventional Omni Il or III mainline camera. <br />All of our operators are familiar with industry standards for inspection of all types of new and <br />existing underground conduit as well as being NASSCO certified. Sanitary sewers, storm <br />drains and water lines are all within our area of expertise. Defect cbdas and observations <br />are based on the needs of aur industry to reflect the most comprehensive and detailed <br />MY Ql Canla Ano Od #1)4¢n <br />alwn l Clrcult Teloylalo I (=Iel In I aor lo4ol tknlfllNysowara <br />,,„. ---^ •7='^AYrn 21071 OvIon road <br />m �y;l rp grand Terrace, CA 9231 <br />909�1227S40P B09-422 0041 <br />CA 4084 1�7 <br />25E-'19 <br />