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Agreement Number 12 -94 -0006 <br />• Wrae a letter reporting the sexual misconduct to the person in charge or the United States Marshal. To ensure <br />confidentiality, use special (Legal) mail procedures. <br />• File an Hinergency Detainee Grievance - If you decide your cotnPlaint is too sensitive to file with the Officer io Charge, <br />You can file your Grievance directly with the Field Office Director. You can get the forms from your housing unit officer, <br />or a Facility supervisor. <br />• Write to the Office of inspector General (01G), which investigates- allegations of staff misconduct. The address is, Office <br />of Inspector General, U.S. Department of justice, 950 Pennsyhrnno Ave. Room 4706, Washington, DC. 20530 <br />• Call, at no expense to you, the Office of Inspector General (OIG). The phone number is 1- 800 - 869 -4499. <br />Individuals who sexually abuse or assault detainees can only he disciplined or prosecuted if the abuse is reported. <br />A publication of the Office of the <br />Federal Detention Trustee <br />VVashingron, DC <br />Published Februiry 2008 <br />Page 15 of 15 (, <br />Local Government (initial): <br />Federal Government (initial): <br />20C -21 <br />