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Exhibit 6 -A Local Assistance Procedures Manual <br />Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form <br />Examine the project for potential effects on the environment, direct or indirect and answer the following questions. <br />The "construction area," as specified below, includes all areas of ground disturbance associated <br />with <br />the project, <br />including staging and stockpiling areas and temporary access roads. <br />Each answer must be briefly documented on the "Notes" pages at the end of the PES Form. <br />A. Potential Environmental Effects <br />Yes <br />To Be <br />No <br />Determined <br />General <br />1. Will the project require future construction to fully utilize the design capabilities included in the <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />proposed project? <br />2. Will the project generate public controversy? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />Noise <br />3. Is the project a Type I project as defined in 23 CFR 772.5(h); "construction on new location or the <br />M <br />El <br />El <br />physical alteration of an existing highway, which significantly changes either the horizontal or <br />vertical alignment or increases the number of through - traffic lanes "? <br />4. Does the project have the potential for adverse construction - related noise impact <br />❑ <br />M <br />❑ <br />(such as related to pile driving)? <br />Air Quality <br />5. Is the project in a NAAQS non - attainment or maintenance area? <br />M <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />6. Is the project exempt from the requirement that a conformity determination be made? (If "Yes," state <br />M <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />which conformity exemption in 40 CFR 93.126, Table 2 applies): railroad/hiehwav crossing <br />7. Is the project exempt from regional conformity? (If "Yes," state which conformity exemption in 40 <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />CFR 93.127, Table 3 applies): <br />S. If project is not exempt from regional conformity, (If "No" on Question #7) <br />Is project in a metropolitan non- attainment/mintenance area? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />Is project in an isolated rural non - attainment area? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />Is project in a CO, PMIO and/or PM2.5 non- attainment/mintenance area? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />Hazardous Materials /Hazardous Waste <br />9. Is there potential for hazardous materials (including underground or aboveground tanks, etc.) and/or <br />❑ <br />M <br />❑ <br />hazardous waste (including oil/water separators, waste oil, asbestos - containing material, lead -based <br />paint, ADL, etc.) within or immediately adjacent to the construction area? <br />Water Quality /Resources <br />10. Does the project have the potential to impact water resources (rivers, streams, bays, inlets, lakes, <br />❑ <br />M <br />❑ <br />drainage sloughs) within or immediately adjacent to the project area? <br />11. Is the project within a designated sole -source aquifer? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />Coastal Zone <br />12. Is the project within the State Coastal Zone, San Francisco Bay, or Suisun Marsh? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />Floodplain <br />13. Is the construction area located within a regulatory floodway or within the base floodplain (100 -year) <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />elevation of a watercourse or lake? <br />Wild and Scenic Rivers <br />14. Is the project within or immediately adjacent to a Wild and Scenic River System? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />Biological Resources <br />15. Is there a potential for federally listed threatened or endangered species, or their critical habitat or <br />❑ <br />M <br />❑ <br />essential fish habitat to occur within or adjacent to the construction area? <br />16. Does the project have the potential to directly or indirectly affect migratory birds, or their nests or <br />❑ <br />M <br />❑ <br />eggs (such as vegetation removal, box culvert replacement/repair, bridge work, etc.)? <br />17. Is there a potential for wetlands to occur within or adjacent to the construction area? <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />M <br />Page 6 -70 <br />May 30, 2008 19E-63 EPP 08 -02 <br />