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City of Santa Ana <br />State Water Board Grant Agreement No. 14- 449 -550 <br />Page 5 of 20 <br />B. PROJECT- SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS <br />1. Project Management <br />11 Provide all technical and administrative services as needed for Agreement completion; monitor, <br />supervise, and review all work performed; and coordinate budgeting and scheduling to ensure the <br />agreement is completed within budget, on schedule, and in accordance with approved procedures, <br />applicable laws, and regulations. <br />1.2 Notify the Grant Manager at least fifteen (15) working days in advance of upcoming meetings, <br />workshops, and trainings. <br />1.3 Conduct pre -, during, and post- construction photo monitoring and submit to the Grant Manager, <br />1,4 Conduct periodic and final site visits with the Grant Manager. <br />2, Planning, Design, and Engineering <br />2.1 Prepare a topographic survey of the site, a permeability testing and structural pavement design, <br />and landscape renderings and submit to the Grant Manager in an electronic format. <br />2.2 Complete the preliminary engineered design plans and specifications for the Installation of a <br />minimum of eleven thousand (11,000) square feet of porous pavement and a minimum of three <br />thousand (3,000) square feet of a bioretention system. Submit the preliminary engineered design <br />plans and specifications to the Grant Manager in an electronic format for review and approval. <br />2.3 Complete the final engineered design plans and specifications and prepare a summary identifying <br />changes from the preliminary plans in Item 2.2. Submit the final plans and summary of changes to <br />the Grant Manager for review and approval prior to preparing bid documents in Item 2.4. <br />2.4 Complete the bid documents and advertise the Project for bid. Submit the awarded bid documents <br />to the Grant Manager in an electronic format. <br />3. Construction and Implementation <br />3.1 Award the construction contract and submit the Notice to Proceed to the Grant Manager in an <br />electronic format. <br />3.2 Construct the Project in accordance with the approved engineered design plans and specifications. <br />33 Submit as -built drawings to the Grant Manager in an electronic format. <br />3.4 Prepare and submit an Operations and Maintenance Plan to the Grant Manager for review and <br />approval. <br />4. Monitoring and Performance <br />4.1 Monitor in accordance with the approved MP. <br />4.2 Analyze monitoring results, document implementation of monitoring in accordance with the <br />approved MP, and include a summary report of the monitoring results in the associated quarterly <br />progress report. A summary of all monitoring and data analysis shall be included in the Final <br />Project Report. <br />EXHIBIT 1 Page 5 of 20 <br />20C -7 <br />