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City of Santa Ana, CA I WATER RATE STUDY <br />generated is expected to remain constant at $49,784,700 throughout the study period. Reclaimed water <br />is primarily used to meet landscape irrigation needs. <br />Table - 4: Revenues under Existing Rates in Thousands of Dollars <br />Single Family Residential <br />19,011.3 <br />18,494.2 <br />18,494.2 <br />18,494.2 <br />18,494.2 <br />18,494.2 <br />Multi - Family Residential <br />13,991.2 <br />13,605.8 <br />13,605.8 <br />13,605.8 <br />13,605.8 <br />13,605.8 <br />Commercial <br />9,456.1 <br />9,193.8 <br />9,193.8 <br />9,193.8 <br />9,193.8 <br />9,193.8 <br />Industrial <br />2,228.4 <br />2,163.1 <br />2,163.1 <br />2,163.1 <br />2,163.1 <br />2,163.1 <br />Institutional <br />4,169.6 <br />4,050.5 <br />4,050.5 <br />4,050.5 <br />4,050.5 <br />4,050.5 <br />Irrigation <br />1,844.4 <br />1,791.7 <br />1,791.7 <br />1,791.7 <br />1,791.7 <br />1,791.7 <br />Outside City <br />37.2 <br />36.0 <br />36.0 <br />36.0 <br />36.0 <br />36.0 <br />Recycled Water <br />206.9 <br />201.0 <br />201.0 <br />201.0 <br />201.0 <br />201.0 <br />Fire Service <br />248.6 <br />248.6 <br />248.6 <br />248.6 <br />248.6 <br />248.6 <br />Total Revenue <br />$51,193.7 <br />' $49,784.7 <br />$49,784.7 <br />$49,784.7 <br />$49,784.7 <br />$49,784.7 <br />Operation and Maintenance Projections <br />In order to adequately adjust rates, it is necessary to project <br />operation and maintenance (0 &M) expenses. Summarized in <br />Table 5 are Waters projected O &M expenditures. These <br />expenditures include costs related to personnel (including <br />additional staff), contract services, operating supplies, utilities <br />and general administrative. The forecasted expenditures are <br />based Black & Veatch and City staffs expertise and knowledge. <br />The table to the right summarizes key assumptions for <br />inflation rates used in the C &M expense projections. The levels of adjustment illustrated on the right <br />are consistent with recent increases seen throughout the area. <br />For the purposes of this study, no escalation factor is applied to imported water sources. The volatility of <br />water supply and wholesale costs are not within the City's control; as such, the City should be handling <br />purchased water and pumped water increases via a pass- through mechanism. The OCWD is responsible <br />for managing the groundwater basin from which the City pumps. In FY 13/14, the City's basin pumping <br />percentage (BPP) was 70 percent and OCWD's budgeted BPP for FY 14/15 is 72 percent. It is OCWD's <br />intent to increase the BPP to 75 percent and increase its water supply portfolio through increasing <br />capacity at the Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) and purchasing water from the Huntington <br />Beach Desalination Project. For the purposes of this Study, due to severe drought conditions, Black & <br />Veatch is estimating an average 68 percent for the study period. <br />BLACK & VEATCH I Water Rate Study <br />65B -33 <br />21 <br />