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City of Santa Ana, CAI WATER RATE STUDY <br />Based on the proposed CIP summarized above, the Water Enterprise will need to issue debt through <br />revenue bonds in FY 15/16 under Scenario 1 to allow the utility to catch up with deferred activities. The <br />proposed debts is indicated above assume the following service terms: 20 -year payment period, 5.5 <br />percent annual interest rate, 2 percent issuance expense, and issuance of a surety bond equal to 2.5 <br />percent of the nominal debt issuance. <br />Operating Fund Financing <br />Summarized in Tables 10 and 11 are the proposed long -term operating financial plans for the Water <br />Enterprise under each scenario. Table 10 summarizes the financial results should the City elect to carry <br />out the CIP in the absence of revenue adjustments (Status Quo Scenario) and Table 11 shows the plan <br />for the preferred option (Scenario 1). The intent of the financial plan is to generate sufficient funds to <br />cover short-term and long -term expenses. Sources of revenue include water sales under existing rates, <br />additional revenues realized from proposed rate adjustments, miscellaneous revenue and interest <br />earnings on available balances. As mentioned, other miscellaneous revenue includes meter installations <br />and turn -on charges, trust agency revenue, and security fee charges. Uses of funds include operation <br />and maintenance expenses (including water purchases), routine capital outlay, debt service payments, <br />and transfers to other funds such as the capital fund. <br />The projected water revenue under existing rates represents service and commodity charges at current <br />rate levels that are subject to rate adjustments. Based on the existing revenue indicated, additional <br />annual revenue adjustments are necessary to meet operating fund requirements and fiscal policy <br />objectives. Adjustments are typically assumed to become effective July 1 of each fiscal year, except for <br />FY 14/15 increases, which are planned for March 1. Initial analyses indicate that steady rate increases <br />are needed for the next five years as shown on Lines 2 through 6 on each table. Any changes to the <br />capital- financing policies and /or CIP may alter these results since the operating fund helps supplement <br />funds for traditional repair and replace projects. The resulting dollar impact of the proposed revenue <br />adjustments are illustrated on Line 7. <br />In addition to rate revenue, other operating and non - operating charges contribute to the income of the <br />Water Enterprise. Typically, these revenue sources are minimal and volatile and are thus considered a <br />constant in the revenue projections. There is a one -time revenue bump in FY 14/15 that represents the <br />refinancing of the 2004 Water Revenue Bond. Non - operating sources include interest income from the <br />operating fund. Interest income is calculated using an interest rate of 1 percent in order to be <br />conservative. <br />BLACK & VEATCH I water Rate Study <br />[INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] <br />65B -45 <br />33 <br />