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223512_2.DOC <br />the applicable Agency, or as otherwise approved by the applicable Agency. <br />Number of lanes required is to be based upon traffic generated by proposed <br />project. <br />Participate, among other designated beneficiaries, in the San Joaquin Hills <br />or Foothill /Eastern Transportation Corridor fee program. <br />Subdivision in which right -of -way, grading and improvements are required for the <br />transportation corridors will be eligible for credit toward payment of the MT &B fees <br />to the extent that the costs were included in development of the fee program. Except <br />when otherwise provided by an agreement entered into by a Party prior to the <br />effective date of this First Amended and Restated Agreement, whenever subdivision <br />approvals are conditioned upon requirements to grade or improve portions of <br />transportation corridors or dedicate right -of -way in excess of Major Arterial Highway <br />Standards, and these costs exceed fees that would otherwise be due, the developer <br />shall enter into an agreement with the applicable Agency and county or applicable <br />city prior to recordation of final tract or parcel maps to identify the difference in the <br />dollar amount between the estimated costs of the grading, improvements, and/or <br />right -of -way, and the calculated fees. Such agreements will establish the amount of <br />reimbursement for which the developer is entitled. A developer shall be entitled to <br />reimbursement after acceptance of improvements by the applicable Agency to the <br />extent major thoroughfare and bridge fees are available for reimbursement after <br />satisfaction of all other obligations of the applicable Agency for which major <br />thoroughfare and bridge fees are required. Satisfaction of such reimbursement <br />obligations, however, in the event funds used to construct corridor facilities in excess <br />of fee obligations are derived from Assessment District or Mello -Roos Community <br />Facilities District bonds shall be made to such districts in a manner which will reduce <br />the amount of such bonds in proportion to the reimbursement payment made by <br />Agency. Except for the initial issuance and sale of bonds by Agency, repayment of <br />all existing reimbursement agreement obligations by Agency shall be funded by any <br />subsequent bond issue and satisfied upon receipt of bond proceeds. If the estimated <br />costs of the grading, improvements, and/or excess right of way are less than the <br />calculated fee, a developer may relinquish credits in lieu of paying fees until credits <br />are fully utilized with the remainder of the fee to be collected prior to issuance of <br />building permits. <br />In the event a development not requiring subdivision is conditioned to construct or <br />grade portions of the transportation corridors or dedicate right -of -way, reimbursement <br />agreements shall be executed prior to issuance of any building permits within the <br />project boundaries. <br />Developers will be allowed to apply credits eared on one project to another project <br />within the same Area of Benefit owned by the same developer. In the event title to <br />the land of a project changes, credits can be transferred to another developer with the <br />29 <br />