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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />SAF5 Within the PE ROW, the contractor shall fence the track area, and appropriate signage <br />and audible and visual warning devices shall be installed at gate openings. <br />SAF6 If Mitigation Measures SAF2 through SAF4 are considered infeasible, then the Willowick <br />Station shall not be made operational by the contractor until an appropriate public <br />access point from the PE ROW is created as part of the Willowick Public Golf Course <br />redevelopment. <br />6. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES THAT WERE DETERMINED TO BE <br />SIGNIFICANT AND UNAVOIDABLE AFTER MITIGATION <br />The following environmental resource area would be significantly impacted by the proposed <br />project even with implementation of mitigation measures (i.e., significant and unavoidable): <br />A. Air Quality (Construction Emissions) (page 3 -221 of the EA/DEIR) <br />Potential Impact: Significant and unavoidable air quality impacts, after incorporation of <br />mitigation measures, would occur as a result of the violation of an air quality standard during <br />project construction. <br />Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the proposed <br />project which would partially mitigate the significant effects on the environment as identified in <br />the REA/FEIR, but would not reduce the impact below a level of significance. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: Construction emissions would temporarily impact air quality with <br />the amount and type of construction activities that would occur for the proposed project. The <br />proposed project would be segmented for construction purposes, and construction activities <br />would be completed in phases to minimize the disruption to local residents and businesses in <br />the Study Area. The SCAQMD has established daily significance thresholds for assessing <br />regional construction emissions. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions associated with the proposed <br />project would exceed the regional NOx threshold at times during the construction process. NOx <br />emissions would continue to exceed the SCAQMD significance threshold after implementation <br />of Mitigation Measure AQ1. Therefore, significant and unavoidable impacts related to regional <br />NOx emissions would occur. <br />Construction emissions of PM1e were found to exceed the SCAQMD's Localized Significance <br />Thresholds and would, therefore, result in a local air quality impact to sensitive receptors in the <br />vicinity of the O & M Facility. The proposed project is subject to SCAQMD Rule 403 (Fugitive <br />Dust), which requires that dust control measures (i.e., watering, offsite dirt trackout, and haul <br />truck freeboard clearance) be applied to minimize the generation of fugitive dust during <br />construction activities. Despite the application of these dust control measures, PM10 emissions <br />are still anticipated to exceed the SCAQMD's localized significance thresholds. No other <br />feasible mitigation measures, standard conditions, or BMPs exist that would reduce this impact. <br />Therefore, significant and unavoidable impacts related to localized PM10 emissions would occur. <br />Mitigation Measure <br />23 January 2015 <br />75A -33 <br />