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Santa Ana Garden Grove Fixed Gnrdovvay ect <br />U <br />May 23, 2014 <br />t �tL •irr J 33IH4;101FY. !!VW1111LO101-i 1*41 <br />Project Description and Location: The Santa Ana - Garden Grove (SA -GG) Fixed Guideway Project proposes to <br />provide a new east -west transit line in Orange County between the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center <br />(SARTC) in the City of Santa Ana and the Harbor Boulevard /Westminster Avenue intersection in the City of Garden <br />Grove. The purpose of the SA -GG Fixed Guideway Project is to: POSTED <br />• Improve Transit Connectivity within the Study Area; <br />• Relieve Congestion by Providing Alternative Mobility Options; MAY 2 2 2414 <br />• Be Sensitive to the Character of the Community; <br />• Increase Transit Options; OppNeECDUNtYCL' REC0RDER1E1M1RiMENT <br />• Improve Transit Accessibility to and within the Study Area; and DEPUTY <br />• Provide Benefits to the Environment through Improved Air Quality. 8Y <br />The build alternatives addressed in the Environmental Assessment /Draft Environmental Impact Report (EA /DEIR) <br />consist of a Transportation Systems Management (TSM) /Bus Alternative, Streetcar Alternatives 1 and 2, and Initial <br />Operating Segments for the Streetcar Alternatives (IOS) -1 and IOS -2. To reduce costs and impacts and to provide <br />optimum accessibility, the streetcar and IOS alternatives would operate in mixed -flow traffic on city streets and in a <br />dedicated "Streetcar only" guideway in the Pacific Electric Right -of -Way (PE ROW). <br />The TSM /Bus Alternative would improve the local transit network without construction of major new transportation <br />facilities. Enhancements would be achieved through low cost (i.e., small physical) improvements and operational <br />efficiencies. Included within the TSM Alternative are modifications and enhancements to selected bus routes in the <br />Study Area, including a new route between SARTC and Harbor Boulevard /Westminster Avenue; intersection /signal <br />improvements; and bus stop amenity upgrades. <br />Both streetcar alternatives would utilize the PE ROW through the western portion of the approximately four mile <br />alignment. The eastern portion of the Streetcar Alternative 1 alignment would operate along Santa Ana Boulevard <br />and 4" Street on the way to SARTC; the eastern portion of the Streetcar Alternative 2 alignment would operate <br />along Civic Center Drive and 5" Street between Spurgeon and Flower Streets. In harmony with the City of Santa <br />Ana's Complete Streets Program, Streetcar Alternative 2 will accommodate bicycle lanes along Civic Center Drive. <br />The streetcar systems would be electrically powered using an overhead contact system and a series of Traction <br />Power Substations. Streetcar Alternative 1 would include 12 stations and Streetcar Alternative 2 would include <br />13 stations. <br />IOSs, which are shorter segments of Streetcar Alternatives 1 and 2, were developed in response to funding and <br />phasing issues raised by fiscal constraints identified during the Orange County Transportation Authority's long - <br />range transportation planning process. The intent of the IOSs is to identify starter segments that could be <br />constructed and operated until funding is assembled to complete the projects. Both IOS -1 and IOS -2 terminate at <br />the Raitt Street /Santa Ana Boulevard intersection, rather than the Harbor Boulevard/ Westminster Avenue <br />intersection. Both IOS Alternatives include the same project features and design options as their respective full <br />alignment build alternatives between Raitt Street and SARTC. <br />Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts: The EA /DEIR was prepared by the City of Santa Ana as the local <br />lead agency, and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) as the federal lead agency, to satisfy the requirements of <br />the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The EA /DEIR <br />examines the potential impacts that may result from implementation of the proposed alternatives and identifies <br />75A -90 <br />