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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Well No. 22 Nitrate Mitigation and Re h a b l i la ti 0-n Study <br />presents the average nitrate levels and flow rates for the wells. Well No. 32 data was based on historical <br />records and the desire of the City to pump at 2,500 gpm. <br />Table 3 -1. Well Nitrate Levels <br />Table 3 -2 presents the worst case scenario of pumping various combinations of wells into Garthe <br />Reservoir and the anticipated nitrate levels. The predicted nitrate levels were calculated from the mass <br />balance of well flow rates and nitrate levels in accordance with the City's 2010 nitrate blending plan. <br />Flow from Well No. 32 was then added to each of the pumping scenarios to determine the impact on the <br />reservoir nitrate level. As indicated below, the addition of Well No. 32 to each of the blending scenarios <br />would increase the total combined nitrate levels in Garthe Reservoir anywhere from 1.6 mg/L to 4.8 <br />mg/L. Although the combined nitrate levels in the reservoir would increase, they would still meet the <br />City's goal of achieving less than half the MCL. The 2010 blending plan indicates that the actual 3 -year <br />average nitrate level was about 11 mg/L, which was less than most of the operating scenarios in the <br />blending plan. If Well No. 32 flows were to be included, it would probably increase the actual level <br />anywhere from 2 to 5 mg/L. <br />Table 3 -2. Garthe Reservoir - Worst Case Scenario Pumping Combinations <br />In order to convey the flows to Garthe Reservoir, approximately 3,250 feet of new pipeline would need to <br />be constructed as shown on Figure 1. From Well No. 32 the new pipeline would head southerly in <br />Westwood Avenue then west in Memory Lane and then turn south on Bristol Street terminating at Garthe <br />Reservoir. Summarized below are design issues that would need to be addressed in regards to this <br />alignment selection: <br />PAP00599 \0086\Hngm ,1ng \05\ We11-32- Nitrate- Mitlgatlon\Deaft Report\02textdoax - 6 - TETRA TECH <br />251 -24 <br />