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2. Patrol Deployment Modeling (Update on patrol deployment strategy) — Commander <br />Chris Revere (Strategic Plan Goal No. 1, 5a) <br />Commander Revere gives a Power Point presentation which includes a handout regarding Policy <br />Decisions for MAPP. The Police Department has partnered with the University of North Texas <br />to conduct this study. It is a bifurcated study: one is data driven, that is, the calls for service, <br />roadway miles, and other different factors. The second part is in regards to policy decisions. The <br />results of the study are based on recommendations of the Chief and the Senior Management <br />Team based on these policy points. The first part of the presentation is the underlying <br />foundation of the study, and Dr. Fritch calls in to speak to the Committee members. The second <br />part of the presentation is given by Commander Revere and speaks to those decision points that <br />the Senior Management Team had to decide on when the model was brought to them. Dr. Fritch <br />is going to complete an executive report and it should be available in about a month or so. The <br />study is done; awaiting the report. <br />ACTION: Commander Revere will follow -up on the Executive Report. <br />3. Update on Parking Enforcement /Street Sweeping — Commander Ruben Ibarra <br />(Strategic Plan Goal No. 1, le) <br />Commander Ruben Ibarra gives a Power Point presentation. Currently, parking enforcement is <br />outsourced and done by Central Parking Systems. Street sweeping is done by Athens Services <br />and covers over 100 miles daily. Regarding enforcement, there are no citations on second <br />passing as a practice. Have been consistent but occasionally it happens. If it does occur, the <br />Police Department takes a look at the citation and will void it. The Police ,Department and <br />Public Works work with Athens, Central Parking, and the schools to minimize impact to schools <br />during starting/ending school hours. There are over 60 schools and only six street sweepers to <br />coordinate all the various times when classes are released. <br />4. Crossing Guards (Assessment overview.) — Commander Ibarra (Strategic Plan Goal No. <br />1, le) <br />City Manager Cavazos speaks to the Committee. The Crossing Guard item went to Council; a <br />thorough analysis of the program was done to be more efficient. One question asked was why the <br />schools don't pay for this program. Bids will be accepted in the Spring, 2015. Copies of the <br />Power Point presentation were available for the public. <br />ACTION: A meeting will be set up between City Manager Cavazos and the School <br />Superintendent to discuss cost - sharing of the Crossing Guard program. <br />3 <br />13C -31 <br />